So, I did a quick "audit" this evening of four different machines in my house, running both Ubuntu recent and Fedora recent, but with different generations of video hardware/motherboards, and tried the "Persistence" control on all of them.

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM failed, provoking an OpenGL exception from glAccum, which, it turns out, is an optional feature, and at least in
  this little survey, not a single piece of my hardware supported that op.

How many people actually use "persistence"? (As opposed, I must be clear, to "Peak Hold"). I suspect that a workable approach is to, for now, remove that feature entirely, but I don't have a good feel for who uses it.

Near as I can tell, the "persistence" feature is intended to give a kind of storage-scope effect, or high-persistence phosphor effect. But the "effect" uses a non-mandatory OpenGL feature (the accumulator buffer) which appears, at least on the garden-variety video hardware I use, not to be supported. And to be clear, I'm running modern motherboards on two of my systems, but using the on-board video, since I'm not a gamer, and really, the simple 2D effects Gnu Radio uses aren't particularly taxing.

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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