On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 10:18 PM, Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com> wrote:
>> Other then the Mesa software only stack it does not work on any Intel
>> or ATI driver provided stack, but nVidia blob driver DOES support it.
>> WXFFT also maxes out my 2 core 3Ghz machine ( a lot of people often
>> get locked up i7's so this is a problem ), wxfft realy needs a c++
>> re-write if anything.
> I couldn't get the VESA/MESA stuff working the other night, so went back to
> fglrx, which is what the Fedora installer chose for my machine.
> I keep my update rates quite modest, and I can support multiple wxGUI FFT
> sinks on the same machine.  I'm running two different applications
>  24 x 7 that have both Waterfall and FFT sinks, and my machine is only
> lightly loaded.  But I keep the update rates down to 5Hz or so.
> Well, the qtGUI stuff is being worked on at the moment, and it should have
> much better performance, and provided it can give a similar
>  amount of user-friendly stuff, perhaps at some point, we let the wxGUI
> stuff die.  Unless some brave soul wants to seriously work it over
>  and make it a better performer, and eradicate the openGL edge cases that it
> keeps tripping over.

I'm really hoping that we can get the qtgui working nicely for
everyone soon and that we can replace all functionality of the wxgui
with it.  And then, yes, I won't shed any tears to let wxgui fade


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