MANY NICs don't support larger frame sizes. Some of them require
that you set the larger MTU using ifconfig, and some will error-out if
you ask for an MTU too large. Others will accept the larger MTU request
and then silently ignore it. 

On 12 Dec 2012 12:22, Rickard Radio

> Thanks! 
> This is really valuable information. Also your
new document with lots of useful info and explanations what happens
behind the scenes. 
> However, on my problematic Acer Aspire 8820T
laptop with AR8151 NIC and "atl1c" driver (instead of the Intel "e100e"
driver below) , nothing of this has an effect. For example, sudoing has
no effect as well no effect of changing the frame sizes, CPU governor,
receive buffer size, etc. Played with most of this before (see thread [7] ) 
>> sudo
/usr/local/share/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate --rx_rate 25e6 --tx_rate
25e6 --duration 30 --args="recv_frame_size=3792,send_frame_size=3792"

> For this to have an effect of frame size, I need also to specify the
ip-address (otherwise the arguments seem to be ignored): 
> sudo
/usr/local/share/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate --rx_rate 25e6 --tx_rate
25e6 --duration 30 --args="addr=,
> In any case, connection
stalls/hangs with repeated "Error code 1: Unexpected error on recv,
continuing…" messages with the "benchmark_rate" test. Similar thing if I
run uhf_fft at the same samp rate, it just stalls, orange LED starts
rapidly blinking and the "C" LED goes off, and the FFT plot just freeze
since no more samples are coming from the N210. 
> So I suppose
something is terrible wrong with the AR8151 NIC, or internally further
down the pipe at high sampling rates. I have now finally given up on
those Acer machines for these high samp rates. 
> Now writing to "SDR
Santa" to bring me more powerful Lenovo Thinkpad T430s needed for my
high sample rate experiments and projects. 
> Rickard 
> On Dec
11, 2012, at 9:53 PM, Balint Seeber < [8]> wrote:

>> Hi Richard,
>> Thanks for reporting on your experiments! I
have doing a few lately myself (specifically in regards to USRP
>> I have a Thinkpad T430s with a 82579LM. The
benchmark_rate reports zero underflows/overflows for unidirectional
streaming. Bi-directional results in some TX underflows with the default
MTU, however increasing this results in NO underflows, e.g.
>> sudo
ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000
>> sudo
/usr/local/share/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate --rx_rate 25e6 --tx_rate
25e6 --duration 30 --args="recv_frame_size=3792,send_frame_size=3792"

>> Remember the 'sudo' will help by enabling 'real-time' (SCHED_FIFO)
scheduling in the Linux kernel.
>> Benchmark rate summary:
>> Num
received samples: 749991475
>> Num dropped samples: 0
>> Num overflows
detected: 0
>> Num transmitted samples: 749969786
>> Num sequence
errors: 0
>> Num underflows detected: 0
>> I have found a number of
parameters can be tweaked to change general N-series communication
behaviour with the Intel NIC (specifically interrupt moderation, MTU
[above], etc):
>> sudo modprobe -r e1000e
>> sudo modprobe e1000e
debug=16 InterruptThrottleRate=0 TxAbsIntDelay=0 TxIntDelay=0
RxAbsIntDelay=0 RxIntDelay=0
>> Changing CPU governor to
'performance' on all cores may also help in certain situations.
Please take a look at this document I've been putting together for more
details: [5]

>> Let us know if any of the above tips improve your results.
Hope that helps,
>> Balint
>> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:26 AM,
Rickard Radio < [6]> wrote:
>>> OK, I just
tried this on a colleagues brand new Thinkpad T430s and it works without
any packet drops or other Ethernet problems on that laptop (at least for
a minute or so). It has the Intel 82579LM Ethernet chip so that chip
doesn't seem too bad after all (like the Artheros 8151 which I have
problems with). 
>>> Rickard 
>>> On Dec 11, 2012, at 12:51
PM, Rickard Radio < [2]> wrote: 
>>>> Hi all,

>>>> Can anyone please try this on a laptop, preferably a Lenovo
Thinkpad, with a N210 and report what you get: 
"/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate --rx_rate 25e6" 
>>>> Thanks 
>>>> On Dec 7, 2012, at 3:32 PM, Rickard
< [1]> wrote: 
>>>>> I wonder which GigE
controllers (manufacturer & versions) and laptop computers are working
hassle free, without dropping packets etc., at the highest sampling
rates with the USRP N210 which results in 800 Mbit/s raw data (or about
835 Mbit/s total UDP) ?! 
>>>>> Please test your laptop with
"/uhd/examples/benchmark_rate --rx_rate 25e6" or "uhd_fft -s 25e6" and
report your findings!
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