If you are using a gigabit switch i.e your LAPTOP/PC is connected to
gigabit switch and USRP is connected to gigabit switch then there should
not be any problem. If you don't fine an extra cable, you can test Ethernet
cable by connecting a PC/router and pinging it. Please see following links
for your question on netmanager and dhcp:


Hope it helps.

>>>>Hi Marcus,

 >>>>                I have not changed the fpga firmware. I used the
build-gnuradio script to install gnuradio. I am not finding another
ethernet cable in the lab. I will check that and let you know in some hours.

>>>>My ethernet card in laptop is rtl 8101e. I checked that it is capable
of only 100 Mbps. But here i am using a gigabit switch, so it shouldn't be
a problem right. How should i check if my ethernet port is managed by
>>>>netmanager with dhcp support? In my network connections it says auto
eth0 for ethernet

>>>>Karan Talasila


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