Hi Ed - It sounds like the gnuradio port was installed, but for some reason GRC 
didn't pass configuration.  The PATH and PYTHONPATH look fine to me.  Do the 
following (watch wrap):

sudo port -d configure gnuradio +full configure.compiler=llvm-gcc-4.2 > 
~/Desktop/gnuradio_conf.txt 2>&1

and then, off list, send me the file "~/Desktop/gnuradio_conf.txt" along with 
the output of "env" and "port installed".  If we find something relevant we'll 
post back here or I can fix the portfile. - MLD

On Jan 25, 2013, at 4:28 PM, Ed Criscuolo <edward.l.criscu...@nasa.gov> wrote:
> I've been avidly following this thread, since I recently had to
> upgrade (company policy) to OSX 10.8, and I wanted to get my
> gnuradio install running again at the 3.6.3 release.
> It looked like things had mostly settled down, so I made sure any
> old files were uninstalled, and tried
> the steps below, gleaned from this thread, but in the end
> there was no executable command "gnuradio-companion" anywhere
> to be run.  All that showed up was gnuradio-config-info, even after
> reboot.
> Any ideas?

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