Michael Dickens <m...@alum.mit.edu> writes:

> On Jan 10, 2013, at 3:35 PM, Alexandru Csete <oz9...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for your help. As it turns out, I simply forgot to run the last
>> step that actually installs boost 1.51 after building it - that
>> explains why boost 1.52 got installed with uhd. I have now rebuilt
>> 1.51, deactivated 1.52 and installed 1.51. Everything is ok now and I
>> installed gnuradio without problems.
>> I used: "sudo port install gnuradio +orc +uhd"
>> During configuration I saw the message:
>> WARNING: GNU Radio's VOLK component (which handles vector optimized
>> instructions and routines) compiles best when using GCC.  The selected
>> compiler is CLANG, which will result in a fully functioning GNU Radio
>> install but the VOLK component will not utilize the CPU's
>> capabilities.
>> Do you have any experience whether this can be a real performance
>> issue and what I can do to use gcc instead of clang?
> You're welcome!  I'm glad you've got GNU Radio installed on Mac OS X via 
> MacPorts.
> I'll leave the performance question up to those who wrote Volk.  I'm guessing 
> that if Volk keys on GCC for optimizations, then using clang will disable 
> most optimizations.  But, I'm no expert here.
> You can select a compiler suite by appending to the usual "port" commands 
> "configure.compiler=XXX", where XXX is one of:
> gcc-3.3 gcc-4.0 gcc-4.2 llvm-gcc-4.2 clang apple-gcc-4.0 apple-gcc-4.2 
> macports-gcc-4.1 macports-gcc-4.2macports-gcc-4.3 macports-gcc-4.4 
> macports-gcc-4.5 macports-gcc-4.6 macports-gcc-4.7 macports-gcc-4.8 
> macports-clang-2.9 macports-clang-3.0 macports-clang-3.1 macports-clang-3.2
> Note that "clang" is Apple's installed clang, no matter the version (could be 
> 2.1, 3.1, 4.1; maybe others).  If you're running on Mac OS X 10.7 or 10.8, 
> I'd recommend using the following:
>   sudo port install gnuradio +orc +uhd configure.compiler=llvm-gcc-4.2
> to get Volk using a compatible GCC & thence the optimizations therein.  You 
> can find out a little (but, not much) more about this topic at < 
> http://guide.macports.org/#reference.phases.configure > and then scroll down 
> to or search for "configure.compiler".
> Hope this helps! - MLD

Hi, I tried to compile gnuradio 3.6.3 on MacPorts with the following

sudo port install gnuradio +docs +grc +orc +python27 +qtgui +sdl +swig
+uhd +wxgui configure.compiler=macports-gcc-4.7

GNU Radio was installed successfully on my quad-core Core i7, but when I
execute GNU Radio Companion signal flow, I see the following messages:

_____ Message _____
Mac OS; Clang version 4.1 ((tags/Apple/clang-421.11.66)); Boost_105100; 

Using Volk machine: generic_orc
gr-osmosdr supported device types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd 
Using device #0 Compro VMU6xx SN: 0020
Found Elonics E4000 tuner
Exact sample rate is: 2000000.052982 Hz
>>> gr_fir_ccf: using SSE
>>> gr_fir_fff: using SSE
>>> gr_fir_fcc: using SSE

>>> Done
_____ Message _____

How can I make gnuradio and volk be optimzed for Core i7? generic_orc
seems not best optimized for core i7. 

Thanks in advace!



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