On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 6:42 AM, Sreeraj Rajendran
<srees4sr...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
>>>I don't believe this problem can be solved by adjusting the loop
>>> bandwidth.
> Acquisition time is roughly inversely proportional to loop_bw and error
> variance is proportional to loop_bw. So there is always a tradeoff between
> acquisition time and tracking performance. You should try adjusting loop_bw
> (http://www.trondeau.com/blog/2011/8/13/control-loop-gain-values.html).
>>>Applying faster tracking algorithm may solve this problem, but I think it
>>> takes long time to develop for a new guy.
> If you have a good understanding of the algorithm, its really easy to
> prototype the alogorithm in GRC or  by using gnuradio python-block coding
> support. "gr_modtool" is always there to make block coding easier.
> -Sreeraj

Also hand tune to make sure the frequencies of the transmitter and
receiver are as close as you can get them. The slowest loop in this
chain is the frequency lock loop, so overcome that by hand and see
what happens.


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