
My name is Marcelo Galvão Póvoa, a Computer Science graduate student
from UNICAMP, Brazil. I am interested in participating in GSoC and the
"Vector-network analyzer" project idea caught my attention. As some
background about my experience, I worked as intern in a small
Design House company that develops DTV demodulators using hardware and
software via DSP solutions. I learned from experience how a signal
analyzer can be useful in the development process. :)

I am not familiar with GNU Radio, but hopefully I know about the main
theoretical concepts that go along with it. I have just built the
platform and I will take at look at the tutorials. On the other hand,
I can code in both C++ and Python but have never used Qt, but I guess
it's not hard to learn.

I have a few questions about the project:
- Is there any vector analyzer tool (maybe external) already available
to be used with GNU Radio?
- I see that some wanted features are listed on the wiki, but is the
project supposed to be based on some reference design?
- Is it feasible to do this project without RF hardware but just via
simulation? Of course, someone else could also perform tests in a real
scenario and report back.

I am looking forward to your reply.


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