On 17/04/13 20:34, ikjtel wrote:
There was recently an article in QEX (ARRL's print mag for experimenters) about building one's own VNA using an SDR. Don't have the exact issue in hand, but should be locatable by doing a search for "QEX vector network analyzer"

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The qvna software is at http://dl2stg.de/stefan/hiqsdr/qvna.html and designed to work with the HiQSDR transceiver at hiqsdr.com and a Return Loss Bridge that's been designed for it.

I haven't used the RLB but I have used qvna to check my HF quad using the HiQSDR.

N2ADR also includes a python version of qvna in his quisk software at

The HiQSDR by DB1CC is based on Jim's design that was published in QEX and also desribed on
73 ... Sid.

Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
Emeritus IBM/Amdahl Mainframes and Sun/Fujitsu Servers Tech Support
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