This was actually supposed to go to the list as well.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hilbert Transform <>
Date: Fri, May 17, 2013 at 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Question about UHD driver
To: Mark McCarron <>


First, it's "copies are bad", then it's "copies are good".  Make up your
mind, laddy.  :)

The critical resource here, which drives the need to reduce memcpy-like
operations isn't CPU, but memory
  bandwidth.  That memory bandwidth gets chewed up whether it's the CPU
doing it, or the DMA controller.
  There's no magic on the bus.  It doesn't care who is doing transactions.

In the land of multi-core CPUs, it's rather silly to say "but the CPU has
beter things to do than X".  So, those CPUs
  should perhaps spend their time playing Zork?  Or surfing porn?

Again, the "drive" to reduce memory-to-memory copy traffic is to reduce
pressure on memory bus bandwidth, not
  save those oh-so-precous, I only have eight 'of 'em, CPUs.  Since most
modern CPUs have microcoded
  memory-to-memory copy instructions, the CPU burden is relatively small.
We aren't back in the dark days of
  "optimized" memcpy operations being a series of word-wise copies,
followed by a byte-wise "mop up".

Your argument could well be extended, reducto-ad-absurdium to "the CPU has
better things to do than anything you
  might want to do in a flow-graph" which is clearly absurd.

One might re-cast the problem as "any memory-to-memory operation should
have non-zero 'work' applied while doing the copy".  So, a memcpy is a "no
useful work" motion of data from one place to another.  Other types of
"data motion" have useful work applied as the data are in motion.   This is
roughly how Gnu Radio works.  It doesn't
leverage as many "zero copy" opportunities as perhaps it should, and Josh
Blum's GRAS work is a step in the
direction of leveraging zero-copy opportunities wherever possible.

But again, getting the data out of the hardware, while an important
problem, usually constitutes a small fraction of
the overall CPU and memory-bandwidth costs of any kind of non-trivial SDR
signal flow.

In the era of multi-core CPUs (with 'multi' starting to scale to "absurd"),
the notion of "the CPU shouldn't be spending it's precious time doing that"
is a decreasingly-defensible position to take.

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Mark McCarron <>wrote:

> Marcus,
> I was writing the Windows driver for Per Vices Corporation (Phi/Noctar)
> last year, I know how drivers work.  I should have mentioned that earlier.
> What you are missing is the fact that the DMA must occur first before
> anything can get to a cache.  So, if we are writing to memory in parallel,
> it is always going to be faster as this happens long before data gets to
> the CPU.
> Also, just to correct some things, the whole point of DMA is to take the
> CPU out of the loop, so the CPU is not used to conduct transfers.  It can
> take part in scheduling, but the data goes from the device into memory and
> a pointer is returned.  The FIFO buffer in an app makes use of this pointer.
> Regards,
> Mark McCarron
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 20:23:34 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Question about UHD driver
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> > The ideal scenario is to never copy data and it is achievable, to a
> degree, through proper planning.
> I have to strongly disagree with that.
> You have to realize what a /driver/ is. And why it is needed:
> A driver takes whatever ressources a piece of hardware offers and makes
> these ressources usable to actual
> application software. Thus: A driver is /necessary/ to convert and
> transfer data from "the wire" to something
> a program can access without having to know how this particular piece of
> hardware works.
> This conversion _has_ to happen using the CPU power of the host.
> Therefore, you either have to let the driver
> do its work on all copies of the device data in RAM, or you just do it
> once, and then copy the data using the CPU.
> Which is way more intelligent, flexible, well-performing... and what is
> done in current architectures.
> >   If you look at your argument, you are essentially saying that it is
> better to copy than to have a pointer.
> In many cases it is.
> Example?
> You have an arbitrary computer architecture with external memory (this is
> desirable unless you want to be
> limited to microcontrollers):
> RAM---memory bus---cpu
> Gigabytes of RAM aren't easy to produce cheaply, and are even harder to
> access with low latency.
> Therefore, modern CPUs have caches:
> RAM --- memory bus --- Cache --- CPU
> Those caches are designed to be fast, but are of limited size (for reasons
> aforementioned).
> Now take your DMA transfer: You instruct the memory controller to write
> data from your device to RAM.
> That automatically invalidates the cache for this RAM region,if that
> happens to be cached, which is
> likely, because we're in a scenario where we constantly use data from the
> device.
> Now assume that this data is relevant to the system. (otherwise we
> wouldn't argue over performance, would we?)
> So, in the next few microseconds, someone is going to access that newly
> written data.
> Whether the cache/dma/memory controller updated the cache or not, there
> will be one valid copy in the cache soon.
> Now, copying that data from RAM address to RAM address is usually a lot
> faster than a DMA - because
> 1) the cache can "hide" the copying by reading from the original address
> as long as no writes on either
> original or copy take place,
> 2) access to dma'ed memory only present in RAM is as fast as access to the
> cache _at best_.
> Therefore, zero copy is not always preferable above having a RAM copy -
> especially for stuff that fits into L2 cache
> multiple times; for ethernet packets in special.
> Hope that mail explained my point of view well enough :)
> Greetings,
> Marcus
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Hilbert (Godamn) Transform
Purveyor of fine Hilbert (Godamn) Transforms since 2013

Hilbert (Godamn) Transform
Purveyor of fine Hilbert (Godamn) Transforms since 2013
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