On 10/06/2014 08:21 AM, Martin Braun wrote:
but I don't really like this except as a temporary/transition solution.
Assume CGRAN really takes off and grows. Do you really want all OOTs out
there in a single repo? What exactly is their logical connection, which
would warrant them all being tied together in a super-repo?
This would require someone to keep updating the submodules, too, which
seems unnecessary.

In the long run, I would assume people want to host their OOTs on github
(or similar services), and CGRAN would simply be a link to those.
As I said, during a transition time, we might want something else.
But submodules are messy, and I suggest not using them for this
particular application.

Since, git 1.8.2 a git submodule can track a branch [1] (as opposed to pointing to a commit). That means that it is not necessary to update the submodules in the super-repo. A submodule is very similar to a pybombs recipe, a link to a repo and a branch. Most likely most of the repos (i.e. GNU Radio apps/modules) will be hosted at github or similar services. So nothing would change for the authors of the modules. (That's at least my understanding of the proposed solution)


[1] https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/Documentation/RelNotes/1.8.2.txt#L186

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