Hey Marco,

good luck for your project!

FYI, there have been quite a few projects using GPPs in the past. I
recommend going through the slides from all of the GRCons, you'll find
something there (at the very least from the first GRCon).
Also, there's gr-theano, which also uses CUDA, and for inspiration,
having a look at gr-fosphor might be a good idea.

For high-performance GR flow graphs, the overhead for ingress/egress has
always been the problem. If you have ideas for modifying GR itself, it
might be worth contacting the "Accelerators" working group, which
discusses these matters.


On 01/25/2015 06:16 PM, 2_...@libero.it wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm a student who is completing his master degree of computeer
> engineering (now I'm at UPC-Barcelona, but before I've studied at
> polytechnic of Turin,Italy).
> For my thesis, one of my possible idea is to bring part of GNURADIO over
> CUDA(I've see that there are already different contributions/papers
> about it). In this way, my work won't be completely useless, as lot of
> other thesis.
> In order to do this, one possible schedule could be: 
> -do the porting of some existing blocks (or set of modules over CUDA),
> which don't require an enviroment too much CUDA-friendly. In this way,I
> hope to get more confidence and start to have problems.
> -after one or two month, start to work above schedule(and/or similar
> stuffs) in order to avoid  host-device memory transfer when there are
> CUDA blocks in cascade, and here I will get tons of problems..(for
> istance,tagging single packets could be not good for warp
> divergence)..there could be different architectural choice,like a kernel
> for each block,or marging them togheter(taking advantages from warp) and
> use a "dynamic" compilation of device code(CUDA).
> -other stuffs,optimizations..
> I know that some of you can tell me about OpenCL, but I didn't have any
> experience with it, so I prefer CUDA. I want also to minimize problems
> which will arise, because surely I will gett lot of them..
> I know also that some of you will say that VOLK gives good
> performance,but why don't allow users to get power from both?(maybe when
> you want to elaborate different signals at same time).
> For the moment, this is not my final choice about my thesis(I've also
> another proposal about another field, but it wil be useless after the
> thesis).
> In any case, I want to ask you if this could be interesting for your
> community.
> Also because for the moment I have only an EZCAP tuner(RTL2838),which is
> fine for tv,audio signals,etc.. But probably I will ask to some of you
> if you can sniff some frequency(like 802.11) and give me files, in order
> to test the correct works also for these modules.
> I will have also different choice to do, and it could be interesting to
> hear diferent point of view.
> For the moment, thanks for your time,
> marco ribero
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