I am afraid I did not document this, but I ran into similar issues with the
script and Kubuntu 14.04. However doing it all by hand, resolving
dependencies, load uhd and gnuradio sources, compile the stuff, installing
udev rules, installing the gnuradio icons by hand and such, this all was not
a big deal, and in some cases I simply read the script as a manual how to do

Pybombs is something I could not become friends with yet. For many people it
seems to work, for me all attempts were disastreous. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss-gnuradio-bounces+ralph=schmid....@gnu.org
> [mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+ralph=schmid....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
> Marcus D. Leech
> Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 5:43 PM
> To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Issues Installing From Source
> On 03/04/2015 10:40 AM, Peter Witkowski wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > In the past, I've always used the build-gnuradio script to install
> > everything with great success.  This ensures that I have all the
> > latest versions of both GNU Radio and UHD.
> >
> > However, I recently got a new machine and installed Ubuntu 14.04 on it
> > (I haven't had any issues with 14.04 before). I updated the OS to the
> > latest version and then tried using build-gnuradio.  Immediately I
> > started having issues.  First, the script was unable to install git,
> > cmake, and other dependencies.  However, I was manually able to do a
> > "sudo apt-get" on all of these packages and at least get to the point
> > where the script tries to install UHD.
> This is the first I've heard of it having problems doing the pre-req
installs.  If
> you run build-gnuradio with -v, you get more details about why.
>    If the underlying OS tooling is falling over, there's very little that
> gnuradio can do about it.  It has as much troubleshoot-and-repair
>    ability as a moribund gnat.
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