On 09/14/2015 10:51 PM, Robert Durkacz wrote:
Thanks Nathan for that information. If I can capture the command lines
I will be all right.

I would like to express an opinion about make. It is a clever utility.
That link shows that nearly everyone uses make in some form or
another. Whether it is cmake or auto-tools it would be better if
whatever generates make files produces files which do justice to make.
I do not see that this is the case either with cmake or auto-tools.
You get something that might work if there are no errors but is overly
complex and obscure for maintaining a build. It is a side-issue with
respect to SDR of course but I am interested in promoting make for
stand-alone use.
I've been a "make" user since around 1979/1980. That a "meta-make" system would emerge was absolutely inevitable.

When a project blooms in portability, size, dependencies, and "reach", the use of a meta-make scheme of some sort actually makes those
  kinds of project practical.

I still use naked "make" for smaller projects.

On 14 September 2015 at 02:58, West, Nathan <n...@ostatemail.okstate.edu> wrote:
On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 7:38 AM, Robert Durkacz <robert.durk...@gmail.com>
My question is, is there some recommended way to get the command lines
printed out as they are executed.

with cmake generated make files you can use make VERBOSE=1 or define the

Also there is something called pybombs. Is this an alternative to

No. Pybombs is a way to build gnuradio and dependencies inside a target

If so is the gnuradio build system in a state of flux?


Can anyone point me to some document or forum where the whys and
wherefores of the build system are discussed?

I cannot and as far as I know there is no document formally justifying the
choices. If you are turned off by cmake compared to autotools then you're
probably in the minority of C++ developers [0] (apologies for the crappy
presentation, but it's the only source of this info I know of, anyway see
box #12).

[0] box 12 in
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