On 15.09.2015 17:40, Robert Durkacz wrote:
> Certainly gnuradio is not too large a project to maintain by the make
> utility. I hope Marcus will confirm that for the benefit of people who
> never use make directly. It is for reasons of portability that you
> need a 'meta-make', right? A meta-make is something that generates a
> make system or ideally might translate one from one environment to
> another. If I follow Marcus, a meta-make should leave a decent make
> system behind and you do not expect it to leave lots of traces of
> itself behind like cmake does.
> I hope to spend some time on gnuradio and the next thing I will do is
> put a simple build system in place for my own use. I don't see a
> problem. SDR is the main aim but I am interested in cooperating with
> anyone who wants to get the most out of make.


- cmake doesn't leave any traces except for a build/ dir. Most of us can
live with that.
- GNU Radio most certainly is big enough to warrant usage of CMake over
raw make. The maintenance load for such a build system would be
incredible, and I really don't know how you'd enable stuff like
ENABLE_GR_FOO and 'allow bad boost' with pure make.
- CMake also generates other things we care about such as Visual Studio

I'm not discouraging you to try and fiddle with make, but GNU Radio
isn't going to move away from CMake any time soon. But the make system
won't be 'simple', and I don't see the advantage.

As I said, it's your time -- but I would like to close this thread &
discussion on this mailing list. We've argued over build systems in the
past, and at this point it's not helping anyone.
Thanks, everyone!


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