On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Richard Bell <richard.be...@gmail.com>

> When merging my OOT module with the forked GNU Radio base, should I hand
> copy the *.xml, *.h, *_impl.h, *_impl.cc, qa_*.cc and qa_*.h in the
> appropriate gr-analog folder locations, or should I just dump my entire OOT
> module into the top level of the GNU Radio repo? I'm not familiar enough
> with CMake and how it does its thing to think this through on my own.
> Rich

You need to copy your code into gr-analog and make sure that the cmake
files and swig files are also updated accordingly.


> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com>
> wrote:
>> On 09/23/2015 02:07 PM, Dan CaJacob wrote:
>> I like keeping the algorithm logic in comments.  I can't count how many
>> times I have optimized something, overwriting the original readable code,
>> then come back in a few months to discover I have no idea how it works
>> anymore.
>> Months?  Weeks for me :)
>> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 1:54 PM Martin Braun <martin.br...@ettus.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On 23.09.2015 10:39, Richard Bell wrote:
>>> > Hey everyone,
>>> >
>>> > I'm in the process of submitting my first OOT module for merge with GNU
>>> > Radio base. It's a log gain AGC which converges much faster then the
>>> > current AGCs when the input signal energy is low. I've read through the
>>> > following link:
>>> >
>>> https://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Development#Contributing-to-GNU-Radio-FAQ
>>> >
>>> > 1) My first question relates to documentation. Up to now, I've added
>>> > documentation into my XML files as <doc></doc> tags. To use Doxygen, am
>>> > I correct to put them in the public *.h file? Is this the only place it
>>> > should go, or should I add it to the XML as well? I've never been able
>>> > to get my documentation to propagate through to the GRC block without
>>> > putting it into the XML, is this a sign of a problem?
>>> You should only need to put your docs in the Doxygen block.
>>> > 2) If I understand the above link correctly, I should fork GNU Radio,
>>> > create a new branch which I might call Log_AGC, add my code to that
>>> > branch and then make a pull request. Am I misunderstanding anything?
>>> That's the way to go. See also
>>> http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Development
>>> > 3) As far as code style goes, should I avoid using
>>> >
>>> > #define DEBUG
>>> > #ifdef DEBUG
>>> > std::cout << "Debug stuff" << "\n";
>>> > #endif
>>> Absolutely. Please use the logging interface. See also
>>> http://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_logger.html
>>> >
>>> > statements to hide debug code? That is what I currently do but I know
>>> > it's not prevalent in the source.
>>> >
>>> > 4) I currently have an Optimize option in the GRC block which picks
>>> > between the way you would write the block if you just used standard C++
>>> > statements (not optimized) and if you use Volk (optimized). Using
>>> > control ports to compare the two, there is an improvement with volk.
>>> But
>>> > I like that someone looking into the block can see how not to do it and
>>> > then how to do it. Good for beginners jumping into GNU Radio.
>>> That's noble, but for core GNU Radio stuff it's probably best if you
>>> stick with the VOLK implementation.
>>> M
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>> --
>> Very Respectfully,
>> Dan CaJacob
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