You should be able to replace the osmocom Sink and Source blocks with UHD sink and source blocks. Alternatively, you can compile the osmocom blocks with UHD support. Then you just have to change the "Device Arguments" string to remove the bladeRF specific arguments (probably just leave it blank if you only have one USRP).

Also, on my system I had to change the FFT sizes on some of the QT GUI Frequency Sink blocks to a power of two.


On 11/08/2015 07:34 AM, Hi Hello wrote:

Thank you for the info, but does anyone know how to modify the
Radio.Presidio.grc file to work with the USRP1 ?

That's all I have available to me :

Here's a link to a project.

Also, one of the folks on #bladerf has developed a big ham radio orientated GRC flow graph.  

Ron W6RZ

On 11/07/2015 01:13 PM, Mike Willis wrote:

    GQRX works very well but is there or might there be any plans to
    develop a comprehensive tranceiver based on gnuradio?

    SDRs like the hackRF and the Ettus USRPs provide great building blocks
    for a VHF/UHF amateur radio station, with only filtering and
    amplification needed to cover all bands from 4m to 6cm, yet I see
    little work on such things, which is odd. Maybe there is no interest
    but there might be.



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