Hi everybody,

On 08.11.2015 11:15, Markus Heller wrote:
>  This is the reason why also in the future there will be
> many GNURadio developers who will consider to get a license
I surely am in that group, especially since HAMRADIO '15.

So, I really love this discussion going on here. GNU Radio has, in the
last one, two years, spend serious effort on building a better, more
application-diverse community. And Hams are definitely one of the
traditionally strong groups!

One of the things the GNU Radio community did was introduce the "new"
(now, not-so-new-anymore) Guided Tutorials [1]. These try to be kind of
a one-fits-all introduction.

When we started discussion on how to introduce new people to GR, the
idea came up that we should kind of have something like a welcome page
letting you select "I come from a ... background", and then introducing
you to GR the way that has the least friction for you. For example, a
computer science PhD might have less problem imagining a lot of parallel
executed algorithms push data around in buffers, but have a hard time
understanding what SNR means, whereas people that are more used to
signals in a physical sense might have a harder time understanding the
implications of dealing with a sequence of complex numbers instead of a
continuous electrical signal.

What's happening here right now is really *awesome*, because it's
becoming an exchange on things to look at when you're an amateur radio
person and want to work with GNU Radio. What we really need to do is
write this stuff down, so it doesn't get lost. I've hence created a GNU
Radio wiki page [2] for that, and would like to ask you to add your
links and knowledge there.

As mentioned, I don't really come from an amateur radio background, so
it's kind of hard for me to know what concepts etc people will need to
understand first when they encounter GNU Radio, so if you could add some
sentences on what it feels like to use GNU Radio when you're used to
having physical transceiver rigs, I think that would help a lot.


(wow, three Mar{c,k}i in one thread!)

[1] https://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Guided_Tutorials
[2] https://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/HamRadio

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