I just wasted an hour or so trying to get this to work. Clearly it is still
early beta but with promise. The first time I tried I got as far as the UHD
install, which crashed with an uninformative error 2. I think there is some
implicit assumption going on in the developers head that non developers
might understand what is going on, or know how to find out what that is.
Following advice here I descended down a rabbit hole and tried to start
again "pip uninstall pybombs". Pip was not found. Pip and by the way, its
actually called "python-pip" if you can't find it, can be installed from
apt-get install python-pip. After uninstalling pybombs with pip I tried to
re-install with pip and now I get almost nowhere as "pip list" generates an
error. So I have uninstalled pip and all is well again. 


That has fixed the pip problem but not the UHD installation crash, but as a
by product the error messages have become more verbose - and guess what? The
problem is an undeclared type. THIS SAME ISSUE WITH UNDEFINED TYPES (shout
so it sinks in, then repeat because it didn't) THIS SAME ISSUE WITH
UNDEFINED TYPES  that has been around for over a YEAR in UHD and in this
case rx_dsp_core_200.cpp. Every so often I point it out and someone fixes it
and later on someone else (I wonder if this is the same person who broke it
last time) then adds some new code somewhere else recreating the same
errors. In this case its uintptr_t that is not declared. A good motto is to
assume nothing and please make sure you declare everything.




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