This is a blank drive - only OS & gnuradio components installed.

$ df -h
Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  286G  4.1G  267G   2% /
none                         4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev                         4.0G  4.0K  4.0G   1% /dev
tmpfs                        806M  1.2M  804M   1% /run
none                         5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
none                         4.0G  156K  4.0G   1% /run/shm
none                         100M   68K  100M   1% /run/user
/dev/sda1                    236M   46M  178M  21% /boot


Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install issues

Hi Todd,

hm, not too sure, but this looks like the getting of source code failed,
though Cloning reached the 100% mark, so my first suspicion is: not
enough space on your drive to unpack thrift?
What does "df -h" say?


On 07.03.2016 12:15, Todd Lutton wrote:
> Running pybombs -v install gnuradio
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package git is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'git-core || git'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package git-core has version 1.9.1 in dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package git is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'git-core || git'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package git-core has version 1.9.1 in dpkg
> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Install tree:
> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Requirements met.
> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Using url -
> PyBombs._process_thread() - DEBUG - Executing command `['git', 'clone', 
> '', 'apache-thrift', '-b', 'master']'
> Cloning:     (100%) 
> [=========================================================]
> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Thread signaled termination or returned
> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Return value: 128
> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - That didn't work.
> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Process returned value: 128
> PyBombs.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building package 
> apache-thrift:
> Unable to fetch recipe apache-thrift
> PyBombs.install - ERROR - Error installing package apache-thrift. Aborting.
> I then tried install of apache-thrift only:
> $ pybombs -v install apache-thrift
> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Reading config info from file: 
> /etc/pybombs/config.yml
> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Parsing config file failed 
> (/etc/pybombs/config.yml).
> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Reading config info from file: 
> /home/todd/.pybombs/config.yml
> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - New config items: {'default_prefix': 
> '/usr/local/'}
> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Template directory: 
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybombs/templates
> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Inspecting config file: 
> /home/todd/.pybombs/config.yml
> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Using default_prefix as prefix 
> (/usr/local)
> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Choosing default prefix config 
> dir: /usr/local/.pybombs
> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Config dir does not yet exist.
> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Prefix configuration file not 
> found: /usr/local/.pybombs/config.yml, assuming empty.
> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Prefix source dir is: 
> /usr/local/src
> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Prefix inventory file not found: 
> /usr/local/.pybombs/inventory.yml
> PyBombs.Inventory - DEBUG - Trying to load inventory file 
> /usr/local/.pybombs/inventory.yml...
> PyBombs.Inventory - DEBUG - No success. Creating empty inventory.
> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Full list of recipe locations: 
> ['/home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-etcetera', 
> '/home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes', 
> '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybombs/recipes']
> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Named recipe locations: {'gr-etcetera': 
> 'git+', 'gr-recipes': 
> 'git+'}
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Adding recipe location: 
> /home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-etcetera
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Scanning directory 
> '/home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-etcetera' for recipes...
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Found 51 new recipes.
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Loading templates.
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Adding recipe location: 
> /home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Scanning directory 
> '/home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes' for recipes...
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Found 158 new recipes.
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Loading templates.
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Adding recipe location: 
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybombs/recipes
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Scanning directory 
> '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybombs/recipes' for recipes...
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Found 6 new recipes.
> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Loading templates.
> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Initializing command class for command install
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager pip
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pip is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> apt-get
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - apt-get is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> yumdnf
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> pkgconfig
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pkgconfig is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager cmd
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - cmd is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packagers: ['pip', 'apt-get', 
> 'pkgconfig', 'cmd', 'source']
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager pip
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pip is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> apt-get
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - apt-get is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> yumdnf
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> pkgconfig
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pkgconfig is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager cmd
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - cmd is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packagers: ['pip', 'apt-get', 
> 'pkgconfig', 'cmd', 'source']
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package apache-thrift is 
> installed.
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package apache-thrift is 
> installed.
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package apache-thrift is 
> installed.
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package libtool is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'libtool'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libtool has version 2.4.2 in dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package automake is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'automake >= 1.14'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package automake has version 1.14.1 in dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package gcc is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'gcc && g++'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package gcc has version 4.8.2 in dpkg
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package g++ has version 4.8.2 in dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package boost is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing '(libboost1.53-dev && 
> libboost-date-time1.53-dev && libboost-filesystem1.53-dev && 
> libboost-program-options1.53-dev && libboost-regex1.53-dev && 
> libboost-thread1.53-dev && libboost-test1.53-dev) || ((libboost-dev >= 1.53) 
> && (libboost-date-time-dev >= 1.53) && (libboost-filesystem-dev >= 1.53) && 
> (libboost-program-options-dev >= 1.53) && (libboost-regex-dev >= 1.53) && 
> (libboost-thread-dev >= 1.53) && (libboost-test-dev >=1.53))'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-dev has version 1.54.0 in 
> dpkg
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-date-time-dev has version 
> 1.54.0 in dpkg
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-filesystem-dev has 
> version 1.54.0 in dpkg
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-program-options-dev has 
> version 1.54.0 in dpkg
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-regex-dev has version 
> 1.54.0 in dpkg
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-thread-dev has version 
> 1.54.0 in dpkg
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-test-dev has version 
> 1.54.0 in dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package bison is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'bison >= 2.3'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package bison has version 3.0.2 in dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package flex is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'flex >= 2.5.35'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package flex has version 2.5.35 in dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package libevent is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'libevent-dev'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libevent-dev has version 2.0.21 in 
> dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package python is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing '(python2.7 || python2.6) && python-dev'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package python2.7 has version 2.7.6 in dpkg
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package python-dev has version 2.7.5 in 
> dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package ssl is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'libssl-dev'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libssl-dev has version 1.0.1 in 
> dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package pkg-config is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'pkg-config'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package pkg-config has version 0.26 in dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package twisted is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'python-twisted'
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'trial'
> PyBombs.Packager.cmd - DEBUG - Could run, but couldn't find a version number.
> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Install tree:
> |
> \- apache-thrift
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package apache-thrift is 
> installed.
> PyBombs.install - INFO - Installing package: apache-thrift
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - install(apache-thrift, static=False)
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager pip
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager apt-get
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager pkgconfig
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager cmd
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager source
> PyBombs.Packager.source - DEBUG - State on package apache-thrift is 0
> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Fetching source for recipe: apache-thrift
> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Switching to src directory: /usr/local/src
> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Getting fetcher for 
>, type git
> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Using fetcher <pybombs.fetchers.git.Git object at 
> 0xb6d1226c>
> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Requiring packages on host system: ['git']
> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Initializing command class for command install
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager pip
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pip is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> apt-get
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - apt-get is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> yumdnf
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> pkgconfig
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pkgconfig is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager cmd
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - cmd is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packagers: ['pip', 'apt-get', 
> 'pkgconfig', 'cmd']
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager pip
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pip is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> apt-get
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - apt-get is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> yumdnf
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
> pkgconfig
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pkgconfig is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager cmd
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - cmd is supported!
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packagers: ['pip', 'apt-get', 
> 'pkgconfig', 'cmd']
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package git is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'git-core || git'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package git-core has version 1.9.1 in dpkg
> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package git is installed.
> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'git-core || git'
> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package git-core has version 1.9.1 in dpkg
> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Install tree:
> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Requirements met.
> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Using url -
> PyBombs._process_thread() - DEBUG - Executing command `['git', 'clone', 
> '', 'apache-thrift', '-b', 'master']'
> Cloning:     (100%) 
> [=========================================================]
> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Thread signaled termination or returned
> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Return value: 128
> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - That didn't work.
> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Process returned value: 128
> PyBombs.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building package 
> apache-thrift:
> Unable to fetch recipe apache-thrift
> PyBombs.install - ERROR - Error installing package apache-thrift. Aborting.
> ________________________________________
> Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 13:38
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install issues
> It looks like pip and PyBOMBS all installed fine, but the cloning of the
> thrift repo fails. You can run `pybombs -v install' gnuradio for more
> output.
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On 03/05/2016 11:17 AM, Todd Lutton wrote:
>> I did a fresh ubuntu 14.04  install.
>> sudo apt-get update
>> sudo apt-get install python-pip
>> sudo apt-get install git-core
>> sudo apt-get update
>> sudo pip install git+
>>  --> note received warning (below) but successfully installed, so continued.
>> pybombs recipes add gr-recipes 
>> git+
>> pybombs config add gr-etcetera 
>> git+
>> pybombs install gnuradio
>> Result ---
>> PyBombs.install - INFO - Installing package: apache-thrift
>> Cloning:     (100%) 
>> [=========================================================]
>> PyBombs.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building package 
>> apache-thrift:
>> Unable to fetch recipe apache-thrift
>> PyBombs.install - ERROR - Error installing package apache-thrift. Aborting.
>> On pybombs recipes list, apache-thrift is shown:
>> apache-thrift           ~/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/apache-thrift.lwr
>> Results from pip install pybombs
>> Downloading/unpacking git+
>>   Cloning to /tmp/pip-ZRMVf7-build
>>   Running (path:/tmp/pip-ZRMVf7-build/ egg_info for 
>> package from git+
>> Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools in 
>> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from PyBOMBS==2.0.1)
>> Downloading/unpacking PyYAML (from PyBOMBS==2.0.1)
>>   Downloading PyYAML-3.11.tar.gz (248kB): 248kB downloaded
>>   Running (path:/tmp/pip_build_root/PyYAML/ egg_info for 
>> package PyYAML
>> Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): requests in 
>> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from PyBOMBS==2.0.1)
>> Installing collected packages: PyYAML, PyBOMBS
>>   Running install for PyYAML
>>     checking if libyaml is compilable
>>     i686-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 
>> -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c 
>> build/temp.linux-i686-2.7/check_libyaml.c -o 
>> build/temp.linux-i686-2.7/check_libyaml.o
>>     build/temp.linux-i686-2.7/check_libyaml.c:2:18: fatal error: yaml.h: No 
>> such file or directory
>>      #include <yaml.h>
>>                       ^
>>     compilation terminated.
>>     libyaml is not found or a compiler error: forcing --without-libyaml
>>     (if libyaml is installed correctly, you may need to
>>      specify the option --include-dirs or uncomment and
>>      modify the parameter include_dirs in setup.cfg)
>>   Running install for PyBOMBS
>>     Installing pybombs script to /usr/local/bin
>> Successfully installed PyYAML PyBOMBS
>> Cleaning up...
>> ________________________________________
>> Sent: Friday, March 4, 2016 20:58
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install issues
>> I pushed an update, if you do
>> pip install --upgrade git+
>> you'll get the fix. However, the git clone is breaking, and I wonder
>> why. Maybe it was just a temporary issue?
>> Cheers,
>> M
>> On 03/04/2016 05:13 PM, Todd Lutton wrote:
>>> Fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04
>>> Then begin install of pybombs & gnuradio
>>> What I did after installation reboot:
>>> sudo apt-get update
>>> sudo apt-get install python-pip
>>> sudo apt-get install git-core
>>> sudo apt-get update
>>> sudo pip install git+
>>> pybombs config default_previx /usr/local/
>>> pybombs config default_prefix /usr/local/
>>> pybombs recipes add gr-recipes
>>> git+
>>> pybombs config add gr-etcetera
>>> git+
>>> pybombs install gnuradio
>>> ----Response ----
>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - ERROR - Unexpected error while fetching
>>> git+
>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - ERROR - global name 'PBException' is not defined
>>> PyBombs.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building
>>> package apache-thrift:  Unable to fetch recipe apache-thrift
>>> PyBombs.install - ERROR - Error installing package apache-thrift. Aborting.
>>> ------
>>> eventual goal, install via pybombs, gr-mac.
>>> Thanks for any hellp
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>> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
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>> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
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> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
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> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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