Agree sudo shouldn't be required.
when I ran pybombs -vv install <recipe>  I got error similar to:

>> fatal: could not create work tree dir 'apache-thrift'.: Permission denied
for only apache-thrift, gnuradio and gr-mac   -- all other elements were 
installed fine.
reran as sudo, and installed those specific recipes without issue.

My pybombs default_prefix is /usr/local/

Thanks for the help!

Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 17:08
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install issues

On 03/07/2016 05:00 PM, Martin Braun wrote:
> PyBOMBS will call sudo for you, if necessary. No need to do that yourself.
> Cheers,
> M
This is why, years and years ago, build-gnuradio decided to refuse to
run if you're already root.  Because for the newb, that likely isn't
   what they really want to do, and it leads to "can't do anything with
that directory you created earlier" trouble later...

> On 03/07/2016 01:56 PM, Todd Lutton wrote:
>> .... and that pointed the way.
>> There was a permission error in creating the directory.
>> I ran as sudo and installed apache-thrift,  gnuradio and gr-mac without 
>> issue.
>> All other prerequisites installed as normal user.
>> $pybombs -vv install apache-thrift
>> ...
>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package git-core has version 1.9.1 in dpkg
>> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Install tree:
>> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Requirements met.
>> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Using url - 
>> PyBombs._process_thread() - DEBUG - Executing command `['git', 'clone', 
>> '', 'apache-thrift', '-b', 'master']'
>> fatal: could not create work tree dir 'apache-thrift'.: Permission denied
>> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Thread signaled termination or returned
>> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Return value: 128
>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - That didn't work.
>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Process returned value: 128
>> PyBombs.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building package 
>> apache-thrift:
>> Unable to fetch recipe apache-thrift
>> PyBombs.install - ERROR - Error installing package apache-thrift. Aborting.
>> Thanks,
>> Todd
>> ________________________________________
>> Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 16:03
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install issues
>> Can you please try again with -vv? Will print even more...
>> Cheers,
>> M
>> On 03/07/2016 03:53 AM, Todd Lutton wrote:
>>> This is a blank drive - only OS & gnuradio components installed.
>>> $ df -h
>>> Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>>> /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  286G  4.1G  267G   2% /
>>> none                         4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
>>> udev                         4.0G  4.0K  4.0G   1% /dev
>>> tmpfs                        806M  1.2M  804M   1% /run
>>> none                         5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
>>> none                         4.0G  156K  4.0G   1% /run/shm
>>> none                         100M   68K  100M   1% /run/user
>>> /dev/sda1                    236M   46M  178M  21% /boot
>>> ________________________________________
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install issues
>>> Hi Todd,
>>> hm, not too sure, but this looks like the getting of source code failed,
>>> though Cloning reached the 100% mark, so my first suspicion is: not
>>> enough space on your drive to unpack thrift?
>>> What does "df -h" say?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marcus
>>> On 07.03.2016 12:15, Todd Lutton wrote:
>>>> Running pybombs -v install gnuradio
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package git is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'git-core || git'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package git-core has version 1.9.1 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package git is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'git-core || git'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package git-core has version 1.9.1 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Install tree:
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Requirements met.
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Using url - 
>>>> PyBombs._process_thread() - DEBUG - Executing command `['git', 'clone', 
>>>> '', 'apache-thrift', '-b', 'master']'
>>>> Cloning:     (100%) 
>>>> [=========================================================]
>>>> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Thread signaled termination or returned
>>>> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Return value: 128
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - That didn't work.
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Process returned value: 128
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building package 
>>>> apache-thrift:
>>>> Unable to fetch recipe apache-thrift
>>>> PyBombs.install - ERROR - Error installing package apache-thrift. Aborting.
>>>> I then tried install of apache-thrift only:
>>>> $ pybombs -v install apache-thrift
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Reading config info from file: 
>>>> /etc/pybombs/config.yml
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Parsing config file failed 
>>>> (/etc/pybombs/config.yml).
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Reading config info from file: 
>>>> /home/todd/.pybombs/config.yml
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - New config items: {'default_prefix': 
>>>> '/usr/local/'}
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Template directory: 
>>>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybombs/templates
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Inspecting config file: 
>>>> /home/todd/.pybombs/config.yml
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Using default_prefix as prefix 
>>>> (/usr/local)
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Choosing default prefix config 
>>>> dir: /usr/local/.pybombs
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Config dir does not yet exist.
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Prefix configuration file not 
>>>> found: /usr/local/.pybombs/config.yml, assuming empty.
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Prefix source dir is: 
>>>> /usr/local/src
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager.PrefixInfo - DEBUG - Prefix inventory file not 
>>>> found: /usr/local/.pybombs/inventory.yml
>>>> PyBombs.Inventory - DEBUG - Trying to load inventory file 
>>>> /usr/local/.pybombs/inventory.yml...
>>>> PyBombs.Inventory - DEBUG - No success. Creating empty inventory.
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Full list of recipe locations: 
>>>> ['/home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-etcetera', 
>>>> '/home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes', 
>>>> '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybombs/recipes']
>>>> PyBombs.ConfigManager - DEBUG - Named recipe locations: {'gr-etcetera': 
>>>> 'git+', 'gr-recipes': 
>>>> 'git+'}
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Adding recipe location: 
>>>> /home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-etcetera
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Scanning directory 
>>>> '/home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-etcetera' for recipes...
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Found 51 new recipes.
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Loading templates.
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Adding recipe location: 
>>>> /home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Scanning directory 
>>>> '/home/todd/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes' for recipes...
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Found 158 new recipes.
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Loading templates.
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Adding recipe location: 
>>>> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybombs/recipes
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Scanning directory 
>>>> '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pybombs/recipes' for recipes...
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Found 6 new recipes.
>>>> PyBombs.RecipeListManager - DEBUG - Loading templates.
>>>> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Initializing command class for command install
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> pip
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pip is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> apt-get
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - apt-get is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> yumdnf
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> pkgconfig
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pkgconfig is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> cmd
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - cmd is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packagers: ['pip', 'apt-get', 
>>>> 'pkgconfig', 'cmd', 'source']
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> pip
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pip is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> apt-get
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - apt-get is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> yumdnf
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> pkgconfig
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pkgconfig is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> cmd
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - cmd is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packagers: ['pip', 'apt-get', 
>>>> 'pkgconfig', 'cmd', 'source']
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package apache-thrift is 
>>>> installed.
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package apache-thrift is 
>>>> installed.
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package apache-thrift is 
>>>> installed.
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package libtool is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'libtool'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libtool has version 2.4.2 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package automake is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'automake >= 1.14'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package automake has version 1.14.1 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package gcc is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'gcc && g++'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package gcc has version 4.8.2 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package g++ has version 4.8.2 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package boost is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing '(libboost1.53-dev && 
>>>> libboost-date-time1.53-dev && libboost-filesystem1.53-dev && 
>>>> libboost-program-options1.53-dev && libboost-regex1.53-dev && 
>>>> libboost-thread1.53-dev && libboost-test1.53-dev) || ((libboost-dev >= 
>>>> 1.53) && (libboost-date-time-dev >= 1.53) && (libboost-filesystem-dev >= 
>>>> 1.53) && (libboost-program-options-dev >= 1.53) && (libboost-regex-dev >= 
>>>> 1.53) && (libboost-thread-dev >= 1.53) && (libboost-test-dev >=1.53))'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-dev has version 1.54.0 
>>>> in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-date-time-dev has 
>>>> version 1.54.0 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-filesystem-dev has 
>>>> version 1.54.0 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-program-options-dev 
>>>> has version 1.54.0 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-regex-dev has version 
>>>> 1.54.0 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-thread-dev has version 
>>>> 1.54.0 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libboost-test-dev has version 
>>>> 1.54.0 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package bison is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'bison >= 2.3'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package bison has version 3.0.2 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package flex is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'flex >= 2.5.35'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package flex has version 2.5.35 in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package libevent is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'libevent-dev'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libevent-dev has version 2.0.21 
>>>> in dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package python is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing '(python2.7 || python2.6) && 
>>>> python-dev'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package python2.7 has version 2.7.6 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package python-dev has version 2.7.5 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package ssl is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'libssl-dev'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package libssl-dev has version 1.0.1 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package pkg-config is 
>>>> installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'pkg-config'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package pkg-config has version 0.26 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package twisted is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'python-twisted'
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'trial'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.cmd - DEBUG - Could run, but couldn't find a version 
>>>> number.
>>>> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Install tree:
>>>> |
>>>> \- apache-thrift
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package apache-thrift is 
>>>> installed.
>>>> PyBombs.install - INFO - Installing package: apache-thrift
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - install(apache-thrift, static=False)
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager pip
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager apt-get
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager pkgconfig
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager cmd
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packager source
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.source - DEBUG - State on package apache-thrift is 0
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Fetching source for recipe: apache-thrift
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Switching to src directory: /usr/local/src
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Getting fetcher for 
>>>>, type git
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Using fetcher <pybombs.fetchers.git.Git object 
>>>> at 0xb6d1226c>
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Requiring packages on host system: ['git']
>>>> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Initializing command class for command install
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> pip
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pip is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> apt-get
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - apt-get is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> yumdnf
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> pkgconfig
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pkgconfig is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> cmd
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - cmd is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packagers: ['pip', 'apt-get', 
>>>> 'pkgconfig', 'cmd']
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> pip
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pip is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> apt-get
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - apt-get is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> yumdnf
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> pkgconfig
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - pkgconfig is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Attempting to add binary package manager 
>>>> cmd
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - cmd is supported!
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Using packagers: ['pip', 'apt-get', 
>>>> 'pkgconfig', 'cmd']
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package git is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'git-core || git'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package git-core has version 1.9.1 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.PackageManager - DEBUG - Checking if package git is installed.
>>>> PyBombs.ReqScanner - DEBUG - Parsing 'git-core || git'
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.apt-get - DEBUG - Package git-core has version 1.9.1 in 
>>>> dpkg
>>>> PyBombs.install - DEBUG - Install tree:
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Requirements met.
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher.git - DEBUG - Using url - 
>>>> PyBombs._process_thread() - DEBUG - Executing command `['git', 'clone', 
>>>> '', 'apache-thrift', '-b', 'master']'
>>>> Cloning:     (100%) 
>>>> [=========================================================]
>>>> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Thread signaled termination or returned
>>>> PyBombs.monitor_process() - DEBUG - Return value: 128
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - That didn't work.
>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - DEBUG - Process returned value: 128
>>>> PyBombs.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building package 
>>>> apache-thrift:
>>>> Unable to fetch recipe apache-thrift
>>>> PyBombs.install - ERROR - Error installing package apache-thrift. Aborting.
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 13:38
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install issues
>>>> It looks like pip and PyBOMBS all installed fine, but the cloning of the
>>>> thrift repo fails. You can run `pybombs -v install' gnuradio for more
>>>> output.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Martin
>>>> On 03/05/2016 11:17 AM, Todd Lutton wrote:
>>>>> I did a fresh ubuntu 14.04  install.
>>>>> sudo apt-get update
>>>>> sudo apt-get install python-pip
>>>>> sudo apt-get install git-core
>>>>> sudo apt-get update
>>>>> sudo pip install git+
>>>>>   --> note received warning (below) but successfully installed, so 
>>>>> continued.
>>>>> pybombs recipes add gr-recipes 
>>>>> git+
>>>>> pybombs config add gr-etcetera 
>>>>> git+
>>>>> pybombs install gnuradio
>>>>> Result ---
>>>>> PyBombs.install - INFO - Installing package: apache-thrift
>>>>> Cloning:     (100%) 
>>>>> [=========================================================]
>>>>> PyBombs.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building package 
>>>>> apache-thrift:
>>>>> Unable to fetch recipe apache-thrift
>>>>> PyBombs.install - ERROR - Error installing package apache-thrift. 
>>>>> Aborting.
>>>>> On pybombs recipes list, apache-thrift is shown:
>>>>> apache-thrift           ~/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/apache-thrift.lwr
>>>>> Results from pip install pybombs
>>>>> Downloading/unpacking git+
>>>>>    Cloning to 
>>>>> /tmp/pip-ZRMVf7-build
>>>>>    Running (path:/tmp/pip-ZRMVf7-build/ egg_info for 
>>>>> package from git+
>>>>> Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): setuptools in 
>>>>> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from PyBOMBS==2.0.1)
>>>>> Downloading/unpacking PyYAML (from PyBOMBS==2.0.1)
>>>>>    Downloading PyYAML-3.11.tar.gz (248kB): 248kB downloaded
>>>>>    Running (path:/tmp/pip_build_root/PyYAML/ egg_info 
>>>>> for package PyYAML
>>>>> Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): requests in 
>>>>> /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from PyBOMBS==2.0.1)
>>>>> Installing collected packages: PyYAML, PyBOMBS
>>>>>    Running install for PyYAML
>>>>>      checking if libyaml is compilable
>>>>>      i686-linux-gnu-gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv 
>>>>> -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -I/usr/include/python2.7 -c 
>>>>> build/temp.linux-i686-2.7/check_libyaml.c -o 
>>>>> build/temp.linux-i686-2.7/check_libyaml.o
>>>>>      build/temp.linux-i686-2.7/check_libyaml.c:2:18: fatal error: yaml.h: 
>>>>> No such file or directory
>>>>>       #include <yaml.h>
>>>>>                        ^
>>>>>      compilation terminated.
>>>>>      libyaml is not found or a compiler error: forcing --without-libyaml
>>>>>      (if libyaml is installed correctly, you may need to
>>>>>       specify the option --include-dirs or uncomment and
>>>>>       modify the parameter include_dirs in setup.cfg)
>>>>>    Running install for PyBOMBS
>>>>>      Installing pybombs script to /usr/local/bin
>>>>> Successfully installed PyYAML PyBOMBS
>>>>> Cleaning up...
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> Sent: Friday, March 4, 2016 20:58
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Install issues
>>>>> I pushed an update, if you do
>>>>> pip install --upgrade git+
>>>>> you'll get the fix. However, the git clone is breaking, and I wonder
>>>>> why. Maybe it was just a temporary issue?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> M
>>>>> On 03/04/2016 05:13 PM, Todd Lutton wrote:
>>>>>> Fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04
>>>>>> Then begin install of pybombs & gnuradio
>>>>>> What I did after installation reboot:
>>>>>> sudo apt-get update
>>>>>> sudo apt-get install python-pip
>>>>>> sudo apt-get install git-core
>>>>>> sudo apt-get update
>>>>>> sudo pip install git+
>>>>>> pybombs config default_previx /usr/local/
>>>>>> pybombs config default_prefix /usr/local/
>>>>>> pybombs recipes add gr-recipes
>>>>>> git+
>>>>>> pybombs config add gr-etcetera
>>>>>> git+
>>>>>> pybombs install gnuradio
>>>>>> ----Response ----
>>>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - ERROR - Unexpected error while fetching
>>>>>> git+
>>>>>> PyBombs.Fetcher - ERROR - global name 'PBException' is not defined
>>>>>> PyBombs.Packager.source - ERROR - Problem occurred while building
>>>>>> package apache-thrift:  Unable to fetch recipe apache-thrift
>>>>>> PyBombs.install - ERROR - Error installing package apache-thrift. 
>>>>>> Aborting.
>>>>>> ------
>>>>>> eventual goal, install via pybombs, gr-mac.
>>>>>> Thanks for any hellp
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