On 04/02/16 18:51, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> On 04/02/16 18:35, Martin Braun wrote:
>> Daniel,
>> that sounds pretty good! We're currently polishing our ideas list (the
>> current draft is at
>> http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/GSoCIdeas). We could
>> probably write up a project idea on our wiki page, and then copy it to
>> your ideas list, or vice versa.
> Having the idea on both lists is perfectly OK, we should probably create
> links between them though so it is clear that it is a collaboration
>> Note that we didn't get accepted into GSoC last year, so I'm not sure
>> what our chances are. I'm sure we can find a mentor, though.
> That is another reason to have this on the Debian ideas list as well.
> If GNU Radio is not accepted but Debian is accepted then the project can
> still potentially go ahead.  It also depends on the number of slots that
> Google allocates to each selected project.  The Google system allows us
> to register multiple mentors for a student, so we could potentially have
> both a GNU Radio developer and a Debian Developer linked to the same
> student.  Both mentors would also have an equal chance of selection for
> the mentor summit.

Debian and GNU Radio are both confirmed in GSoC this year, is there
interest in advertising this idea[1] for converting the GNU Radio live
DVD into a Debian Live project, merging with the Debian Ham CD?

For all those students who have joined the mailing list recently, do any
of you have a ham radio license?

I'm happy to write up a project idea that can go on both the Debian and
GNU Radio wikis (and also my blog) but I would like to find somebody
with more comprehensive GNU Radio knowledge to be part of the mentoring
team for it.



1. https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2016-02/msg00051.html

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