On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> wrote:

> Debian and GNU Radio are both confirmed in GSoC this year, is there
> interest in advertising this idea[1] for converting the GNU Radio live
> DVD into a Debian Live project, merging with the Debian Ham CD?

​The GNU Radio Live SDR environment builder is completely scripted, and
designed to allow easy customization:


For simple binary package installations, you can add a file with a list of
packages here:


To add additional PyBOMBS (1.0) based GNU Radio OOT modules, you can modify:


The conversion to using PyBOMBS 2.0​ is in progress.

So it would be straightforward to create a long-lived branch that focuses
on ham radio specific content.

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