Parth, have you decided if you want to apply or do you need more

You are correct, the project description is not clear or complete.  Ham
radio is a hobby and in that spirit I don't want to tell you exactly
what to do, I want you to make suggestions about goals and deliverables
for the project and explain how you will complete them in the period of
time for GSoC

Please make sure you complete two applications, one under Debian and
another under GNU Radio.  You can submit the same proposal details to
each organization.

I'm at FOSSASIA in Singapore this weekend and I'll be happy to discuss
the project in person with any applicants who are also here.  Otherwise,
please feel free to email any questions and I'll try to help you.



On 15/03/16 23:52, Marcus Müller wrote:
> Dear Parth,
> from the GNU Radio side of things, I can only stress what Martin Braun
> said on this mailing list on multiple occassions: Read the whole GNU
> Radio wiki Page on GSoC; get yourself familiar with GNU Radio (google
> for GNU Radio Guided Tutorials), match yourself to one of the proposed
> topics from the wiki, write an excellent proposal and also be visible
> in the community, e.g. by having pull requests (documentation can
> *always* be improved), or an out-of-tree module that does something
> unique. Show that you're both able to build something great within the
> GNU Radio ecosystem and are willing to participate in the community
> process!
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 03/15/2016 03:02 PM, Parth Sane wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I’m interested in participating in GSoC 2016 with GNU radio and
>> Debian. I’ve looked at the page at the Debian ideas page
>> <>.
>> Its not very clear to me what tasks can be done as a part of GSoC
>> 2016. I’m good at Java,C++,have used a fair bit of git and I do have
>> ham radio licenses across USA and India. I’m a newbie at python, but
>> I can manage it. So please do reply so as to help with project
>> proposal ideas!
>> Regards,
>> Parth Sane
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