On 20/03/16 00:53, Parth Sane wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> The problem is I haven’t used GNU radio very much and also don’t understand 
> its internals properly. Also like you said there is no proper task 
> definition. I do want to participate but the problem here, is I frankly don’t 
> know what to propose! Do I suggest new features, do I help other contributors 
> to create more HAM friendly radio interfaces? Do I integrate Softrock radio 
> (Si570) software support into GNU(If it’s already not there!)? I’m confused. 
> Also to have full disclosure I want people to know that I have already 
> submitted a proposal for Jenkins.

Submitting proposals to multiple organizations is OK

I would suggest you should try to focus on the objective of the project:
making it easy for ham radio operators to build transceivers with GNU
Radio, using the live DVD, they should be able to get on-air in less
than 30 minutes.  Make a list of every possible improvement you could
make in any of the related projects or modules to make that goal possible.

You may need to try building a transceiver manually using the existing
samples to see just how long it takes and then focus on which parts of
the process could be simplified.  Those would be the things you would
work on automating or simplifying in GSoC.



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