Hi Victor,

am I interpreting this correctly: You have a device that you want to
control via a GUI slider?

I think a relatively elegant way to have the control interface would be:

1. Making an OOT module; the Guided Tutorials[1], Chapter 3, explain how.
2. use gr_modtool add to add a python class of the "noblock" type
3. that class would mainly have a method, let's call it set_fx(value)
that calls; edit the python file from step 2. to include that. Here's
where your soft66-control program is being called
4. write a GRC XML descriptor; In essence, copy and paste over the XML
file from one of the existing things, for example errrr the constant
source. remove all sinks and sources, and only leave one <param> that
has a <callback>, which calls your set_fx()!
5. install your module

This way, you'd end up having an actual block you can use in GRC.

I assume you're actually getting/sending samples to your soft66? How
does that interface with GNU Radio?

Maybe it would make sense to have a Sink/Source block (like, for
example, the USRP sink and source blocks) that encapsulates both the
sampling interface and the control interface?

Best regards,

[1] http://s.hostalia.de/gr
On 31.03.2016 15:14, Vitt Benv wrote:
> ... wrong click, I apologize!
> ......​
>     def set_base_fx(self, base_fx):
>         self.base_fx = base_fx
> ​      ​
> cmd_string = str(int(self.base_fx))
> ​      #​
> print cmd_string
> ​      ​
> exit_code = subprocess.call(["soft66-control","-t",cmd_string])
>          Qt.QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self._base_fx_line_edit,
> "setText", Qt.Q_ARG("QString", eng_notation.num_to_str(self.base_fx)))
>         self.qtgui_freq_sink_x_0.set_frequency_range(self.base_fx,
> self.samp_rate)
> .......
> this to set the center frequency of my old soft66 sdr receiver.
> So in future features with trust / hope...!
> tnx again,
> so long.
> Victor
> 2016-03-31 15:11 GMT+02:00 Vitt Benv <vitt...@gmail.com
> <mailto:vitt...@gmail.com>>:
>     Right Marcus I'd found it and it's what I was looking for, tnx!
>     About "Python modules", yes, it's a nice features that I'll explore.
>     At present I edit top_block.py to paste my code ( only 2 lines...) as:
>     ​......​
>         def set_base_fx(self, base_fx):
>             self.base_fx = base_fx
>     ​      ​
>     cmd_string = str(int(self.base_fx))
>     ​      #​
>     print cmd_string
>     ​      ​
>     exit_code = subprocess.call(["soft66-control","-t",cmd_string])
>     Qt.QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self._base_fx_line_edit, "setText",
>     Qt.Q_ARG("QString", eng_notation.num_to_str(self.base_fx)))
>             self.qtgui_freq_sink_x_0.set_frequency_range(self.base_fx,
>     self.samp_rate)
>     2016-03-31 15:03 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com
>     <mailto:marcus.muel...@ettus.com>>:
>         Hi Victor,
>         On 31.03.2016 14 <tel:31.03.2016%2014>:57, Marcus Müller wrote:
>         > I know there's the Qt Tab widget (look under "GUI widgets"),
>         but I
>         > haven't played around with that.
>         I sent that and realized that typing that took me as long as
>         it would
>         have taken me to play around :)
>         So, yeah, it's pretty simple: You add a QT GUI Tab widget,
>         give it an ID
>         (instead of the default qtgui_tab_widget_0) that you can easily
>         remember, eg "tabber", and then in your graphical blocks, use
>         tabber@0, tabber@1 and so on for different tabs.
>         If you want to have the widgets grid-layouted inside the tabs,
>         just
>         combine the two syntaxes; for example:
>         tabber@0:0,1,1,1
>         Cheers,
>         Marcus
>         >
>         > Regarding protected python code:
>         > Well, the problem is that the python code Generator class
>         re-generates
>         > the python code from scratch each time and doesn't even try
>         to read
>         > what's there already. That really makes debugging the code
>         generation
>         > easier; there's no chance some modification might damage the
>         "stub" code.
>         > However, it means that modifications don't survive, indeed.
>         >
>         > In many circumstances, there might be an elegant workaround:
>         If you've
>         > got a relatively recent GNU Radio, your GRC will contain "Python
>         > Module", which you can use to have python code that gets
>         automatically
>         > written to a different .py file when the Python code is
>         generated; that
>         > way, you can have your own functions that you can call e.g.
>         in your
>         > block properties.
>         >
>         > But I think your idea is pretty interesting, anyway. Maybe
>         there's
>         > already thoughts on that or similar concepts; I just don't
>         know :)
>         >
>         > Best regards,
>         > Marcus
>         >
>         > On 31.03.2016 14 <tel:31.03.2016%2014>:18, Vitt Benv wrote:
>         >> Tnx Marcus, you are right, I'm speaking about "graphical"
>         properties.
>         >> I was aware about "GUI Hint" and I tried this but only to
>         put widgets
>         >> in rows x columns positions.... but now I know about the
>         subsequent
>         >> parameter: I'll test those.
>         >>
>         >>  Now I miss only Tabs as Notebook was used, but never mind,
>         I'll try
>         >> another way!
>         >>
>         >> About GRC I think it's a good "starting point" but then
>         some extra
>         >> code does the job.
>         >>
>         >> A useful feature in GRC could be to have some kind of
>         protection on
>         >> added code between builds... if I recall right there was an IDE
>         >> (WxGlade... maybe...) who understood a simple tag as:
>         >>
>         >> ....
>         >> ### PROTECTED CODE ###
>         >>
>         >> ... added code
>         >>
>         >> ###
>         >> ....
>         >>
>         >> so that in subsequent build that wasn't overwritten (
>         actually it
>         >> happened several times, sgrunt!).
>         >>
>         >> Tnx again, ciao ^__^
>         >>
>         >> Victor
>         >>
>         >> 2016-03-31 13:40 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller
>         <marcus.muel...@ettus.com <mailto:marcus.muel...@ettus.com>>:
>         >>> Hi Victor,
>         >>>
>         >>> what specifically are you referring to when you say
>         "dimension" of your
>         >>> graphical sinks; do you mean the "logical" size (in points
>         of the FFT)
>         >>> or the "graphical" size (in pixels of the widget, or the
>         window)?
>         >>>
>         >>> You can specify the heights of the widgets manually, but
>         that would
>         >>> require you to interfere with Qt taking care of window
>         layout (and is
>         >>> not a good idea most of the time); if possible, prefer to
>         use a relative
>         >>> grid layout as explained below.
>         >>>
>         >>> The equivalent to WX' Notebook, there's the QT "GUI Hint"
>         property. It's
>         >>> pretty awesome, if you want to have a grid kind of layout;
>         its format is
>         >>>
>         >>> row,column, row_span, column_span
>         >>>
>         >>> So, if you want something like
>         >>>
>         >>> +-------+-------+
>         >>> | Time  | Freq  |
>         >>> | Plot  | Plot  |
>         >>> +-------+-------+
>         >>> |    Slider     |
>         >>> +---------------+
>         >>>
>         >>> The GUI hints would be
>         >>>
>         >>> time plot: 0,0, 1,1  (first (=0.) row, first column, one
>         row high x one
>         >>> column wide)
>         >>> freq plot: 0,1, 1,1 (first row, second column, 1x1 )
>         >>> slider: 1,0,1,2 (second row, first column, 1 high x 2 wide)
>         >>>
>         >>> Generally, it's possible (though not directly from GRC
>         without writing
>         >>> your own Python) to embed your Visualization into your own Qt
>         >>> Application; there's a few projects out there that do
>         that, but I don't
>         >>> think we really have a best practice guide for that just
>         yet :)
>         >>>
>         >>> Cheers,
>         >>> Marcus
>         >>> On 31.03.2016 12:45, Vitt Benv wrote:
>         >>>> Good morning,
>         >>>> I'm exploring QT graphical, to begin lo leave WX widget....
>         >>>> I'm looking for good infos about resizing / fix the
>         dimensions of my
>         >>>> two graphical sinks ( frequency / spectrogram), Googled
>         around but no
>         >>>> clear infos :-(
>         >>>> Moreover in WX there's a Notebook container, very useful
>         with crowded
>         >>>> GUI.... there's an equivalent in QT?
>         >>>> Tnx in advance for any answer.
>         >>>>
>         >>>> Victor, I3VFJ
>         >>>>
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