Yes Marcus, I'm doing some experiments with this old but nice SDR receiver
built by ja7tdo, just for fun or a little more!
It's connected via sound card (Audiophile @192Ksps) and it's tuned (AD9850
+ multiplier) via a FTDI USb chip used in bit-bang mode... quite
complicated but very cheap. Tuning range 100 Khz / 70 Mhz with some
octave/2 BPF in front of the mixer.

So, tnx for direction, maybe time it's come to dive deep into Gnuradio
stuff. I'll try next days to follow Tutorials and try to write my OOT block!

tnx a lot,


2016-03-31 15:24 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller <>:

> Hi Victor,
> am I interpreting this correctly: You have a device that you want to
> control via a GUI slider?
> I think a relatively elegant way to have the control interface would be:
> 1. Making an OOT module; the Guided Tutorials[1], Chapter 3, explain how.
> 2. use gr_modtool add to add a python class of the "noblock" type
> 3. that class would mainly have a method, let's call it set_fx(value) that
> calls; edit the python file from step 2. to include that. Here's where your
> soft66-control program is being called
> 4. write a GRC XML descriptor; In essence, copy and paste over the XML
> file from one of the existing things, for example errrr the constant
> source. remove all sinks and sources, and only leave one <param> that has a
> <callback>, which calls your set_fx()!
> 5. install your module
> This way, you'd end up having an actual block you can use in GRC.
> I assume you're actually getting/sending samples to your soft66? How does
> that interface with GNU Radio?
> Maybe it would make sense to have a Sink/Source block (like, for example,
> the USRP sink and source blocks) that encapsulates both the sampling
> interface and the control interface?
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> [1]
> On 31.03.2016 15:14, Vitt Benv wrote:
> ... wrong click, I apologize!
> ......​
>     def set_base_fx(self, base_fx):
>         self.base_fx = base_fx
> ​      ​
> cmd_string = str(int(self.base_fx))
> ​      #​
> print cmd_string
> ​      ​
> exit_code =["soft66-control","-t",cmd_string])
>          Qt.QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self._base_fx_line_edit, "setText",
> Qt.Q_ARG("QString", eng_notation.num_to_str(self.base_fx)))
>         self.qtgui_freq_sink_x_0.set_frequency_range(self.base_fx,
> self.samp_rate)
> .......
> this to set the center frequency of my old soft66 sdr receiver.
> So in future features with trust / hope...!
> tnx again,
> so long.
> Victor
> 2016-03-31 15:11 GMT+02:00 Vitt Benv <>:
>> Right Marcus I'd found it and it's what I was looking for, tnx!
>> About "Python modules", yes, it's a nice features that I'll explore.
>> At present I edit to paste my code ( only 2 lines...) as:
>> ​......​
>>     def set_base_fx(self, base_fx):
>>         self.base_fx = base_fx
>> ​      ​
>> cmd_string = str(int(self.base_fx))
>> ​      #​
>> print cmd_string
>> ​      ​
>> exit_code =["soft66-control","-t",cmd_string])
>> Qt.QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self._base_fx_line_edit, "setText",
>> Qt.Q_ARG("QString", eng_notation.num_to_str(self.base_fx)))
>>         self.qtgui_freq_sink_x_0.set_frequency_range(self.base_fx,
>> self.samp_rate)
>> 2016-03-31 15:03 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller < <>
>>> Hi Victor,
>>> On 31.03.2016 14 <31.03.2016%2014>:57, Marcus Müller wrote:
>>> > I know there's the Qt Tab widget (look under "GUI widgets"), but I
>>> > haven't played around with that.
>>> I sent that and realized that typing that took me as long as it would
>>> have taken me to play around :)
>>> So, yeah, it's pretty simple: You add a QT GUI Tab widget, give it an ID
>>> (instead of the default qtgui_tab_widget_0) that you can easily
>>> remember, eg "tabber", and then in your graphical blocks, use
>>> tabber@0, tabber@1 and so on for different tabs.
>>> If you want to have the widgets grid-layouted inside the tabs, just
>>> combine the two syntaxes; for example:
>>> tabber@0:0,1,1,1
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marcus
>>> >
>>> > Regarding protected python code:
>>> > Well, the problem is that the python code Generator class re-generates
>>> > the python code from scratch each time and doesn't even try to read
>>> > what's there already. That really makes debugging the code generation
>>> > easier; there's no chance some modification might damage the "stub"
>>> code.
>>> > However, it means that modifications don't survive, indeed.
>>> >
>>> > In many circumstances, there might be an elegant workaround: If you've
>>> > got a relatively recent GNU Radio, your GRC will contain "Python
>>> > Module", which you can use to have python code that gets automatically
>>> > written to a different .py file when the Python code is generated; that
>>> > way, you can have your own functions that you can call e.g. in your
>>> > block properties.
>>> >
>>> > But I think your idea is pretty interesting, anyway. Maybe there's
>>> > already thoughts on that or similar concepts; I just don't know :)
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> > Marcus
>>> >
>>> > On 31.03.2016 14 <31.03.2016%2014>:18, Vitt Benv wrote:
>>> >> Tnx Marcus, you are right, I'm speaking about "graphical" properties.
>>> >> I was aware about "GUI Hint" and I tried this but only to put widgets
>>> >> in rows x columns positions.... but now I know about the subsequent
>>> >> parameter: I'll test those.
>>> >>
>>> >>  Now I miss only Tabs as Notebook was used, but never mind, I'll try
>>> >> another way!
>>> >>
>>> >> About GRC I think it's a good "starting point" but then some extra
>>> >> code does the job.
>>> >>
>>> >> A useful feature in GRC could be to have some kind of protection on
>>> >> added code between builds... if I recall right there was an IDE
>>> >> (WxGlade... maybe...) who understood a simple tag as:
>>> >>
>>> >> ....
>>> >> ### PROTECTED CODE ###
>>> >>
>>> >> ... added code
>>> >>
>>> >> ###
>>> >> ....
>>> >>
>>> >> so that in subsequent build that wasn't overwritten ( actually it
>>> >> happened several times, sgrunt!).
>>> >>
>>> >> Tnx again, ciao ^__^
>>> >>
>>> >> Victor
>>> >>
>>> >> 2016-03-31 13:40 GMT+02:00 Marcus Müller <>:
>>> >>> Hi Victor,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> what specifically are you referring to when you say "dimension" of
>>> your
>>> >>> graphical sinks; do you mean the "logical" size (in points of the
>>> FFT)
>>> >>> or the "graphical" size (in pixels of the widget, or the window)?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> You can specify the heights of the widgets manually, but that would
>>> >>> require you to interfere with Qt taking care of window layout (and is
>>> >>> not a good idea most of the time); if possible, prefer to use a
>>> relative
>>> >>> grid layout as explained below.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The equivalent to WX' Notebook, there's the QT "GUI Hint" property.
>>> It's
>>> >>> pretty awesome, if you want to have a grid kind of layout; its
>>> format is
>>> >>>
>>> >>> row,column, row_span, column_span
>>> >>>
>>> >>> So, if you want something like
>>> >>>
>>> >>> +-------+-------+
>>> >>> | Time  | Freq  |
>>> >>> | Plot  | Plot  |
>>> >>> +-------+-------+
>>> >>> |    Slider     |
>>> >>> +---------------+
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The GUI hints would be
>>> >>>
>>> >>> time plot: 0,0, 1,1  (first (=0.) row, first column, one row high x
>>> one
>>> >>> column wide)
>>> >>> freq plot: 0,1, 1,1 (first row, second column, 1x1 )
>>> >>> slider: 1,0,1,2 (second row, first column, 1 high x 2 wide)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Generally, it's possible (though not directly from GRC without
>>> writing
>>> >>> your own Python) to embed your Visualization into your own Qt
>>> >>> Application; there's a few projects out there that do that, but I
>>> don't
>>> >>> think we really have a best practice guide for that just yet :)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Cheers,
>>> >>> Marcus
>>> >>> On 31.03.2016 12:45, Vitt Benv wrote:
>>> >>>> Good morning,
>>> >>>> I'm exploring QT graphical, to begin lo leave WX widget....
>>> >>>> I'm looking for good infos about resizing / fix the dimensions of my
>>> >>>> two graphical sinks ( frequency / spectrogram), Googled around but
>>> no
>>> >>>> clear infos :-(
>>> >>>> Moreover in WX there's a Notebook container, very useful with
>>> crowded
>>> >>>> GUI.... there's an equivalent in QT?
>>> >>>> Tnx in advance for any answer.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Victor, I3VFJ
>>> >>>>
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