
I have connected benchmark_tx.py and benchmark_rx.py to make it loopback
mode without USRPs. There is no channel block between the tx and rx chain.

I checked all blocks in the Transmit chain. All are working as expected.
But in Receiver chain i did not understand the output of *ofdm_sync_ml
*and *digital.ofdm_sampler
* blocks.

I tried checking the output of port 1 of ofdm_sync. The sync signal is one
on the following indexes:
* 714,   7109,  13515,  19911,  26308,  32705,  39115,  45515,*
*        51910,  58315,  64715,  71115,  77515,  83915,  90315,  96712,*
*       103115, 109512, 115910, 122315, 128715, 135113, 141510, 147915,*
*       154288, 160711, 167112, 173515, 179912, 186315*

I checked the output of port 1 of ofdm_sampler. The sync signal is one on
the following indexes:
*0,   5120,  10752,  15872,  20992,  26112,  31744,  36864,*
*        41984,  47616,  52736,  57856,  62976,  68096,  73216,  78336,*
*        83968,  89088,  94208,  99840, 104960, 110080, 115200, 120832,*
*       125952, 131584, 136704, 142336, 147456, 153088*

*I expected the output of *port 1 of ofdm_sync to be 639, 639+6400,
639+12800 , ...
and output of  port 1 of ofdm_sampler to be 0, 5120, 5120*2, 5120*3, ....

General parameters are as follows:
fft_len = 512
cp_len = 128
occupied_tones = 200
modulation = bpsk
pkt_size = 200 bytes
after CRC and Header pkt_length = 209 bytes
1 sync word for each packet

Finally there will be 10 OFDM symbols per pkt and 512+128 = 640 complex
symbols per OFDM symbol.
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