Hi Marcin,


So two things:
I've reworked the gr-prefs system lately, because it was broken (no only
under windows) wildly. I don't think this is part of the maint
version yet. Would you share the output of "gnuradio-config-info --version"?

You seem to have found a bug in our build system, of which I'm pretty
sure I didn't address :( So, even if my code inhibts that crash (which
would be lucky, because I don't know whether "checking if that directory
exists before accessing it", which is what my code does, checks for the
path being sensible at all or the Z: drive being available etc), this is
still a bug that I'll have to address.

So: yes, your installation is broken. Sorry. I don't know whether any
hacks will fix it –  I don't have a windows system to test right now.
But for the heck of it, you could try "faking" a drive Z: … However one
does that. Maybe by adding a mounted network share? Then at least the
program would just not find the directory, but not fail due to the drive
not being there. Windows is *weird*, to me.

Best regards,

On 08.06.2016 14:54, Marcin wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed GNURadio Win64 Binaries from
> http://www.gcndevelopment.com/gnuradio/downloads.htm using full
> Windows Installer.
> On the first run I can only read:
> setting gnuradio environment
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "gnuradio-companion.py", line 130, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "gnuradio-companion.py", line 98, in main
>     check_gnuradio_import()
>   File "gnuradio-companion.py", line 79, in check_gnuradio_import
>     from gnuradio import gr
>   File "D:\Programy\GNURadio\lib\site-packages\gnuradio\gr\__init__.py", line 
> 53, in <module>
>     log.set_level(prefs().get_string("LOG", "log_level", "notset"))
>   File "D:\Programy\GNURadio\lib\site-packages\gnuradio\gr\runtime_swig.py", 
> line 4678, in singleton
>     return _runtime_swig.prefs_singleton()
> RuntimeError: boost::filesystem::status: Wolumin nie zawiera rozpoznawanego 
> systemu plików.
> Sprawdź, czy załadowano wszystkie wymagane sterowniki systemu plików i czy 
> wolumin nie jest uszkodzony: 
> "Z:gr-buildsrc-stage3staged_installReleaseetcgnuradioconf.d"
> I work on Windows 7 x64 PL so the part of the above message is in
> Polish. I don't know how this message sounds exactly in English, but
> the translation is:
> "The volume does not contain a recognizable file system.
> "Check that you have loaded all required file system drivers and the
> volume is not corrupt:"
> ---
> I found something similar in the discuss-gnuradio group:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2016-05/msg00123.html
> But I still don't know how to repair it in my installation. The
> command:
> gnuradio-config-info --prefsdir --sysconfdir
> returns:
> Z:gr-buildsrc-stage3staged_installReleaseetc
> Z:gr-buildsrc-stage3staged_installReleaseetcgnuradioconf.d

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