Title: Re[2]: [Discuss-gnuradio] Runnig GNU Radio in Windows

Hi Marcus,

In the message from June 8, 2016 (21:31:52) can be read:

> Hi Marcin,

> uh-oh.

> So two things:

> I've reworked the gr-prefs system lately, because it was broken (no only

> under windows) wildly. I don't think this is part of the maint

> version yet. Would you share the output of "gnuradio-config-info --version"?

D:\Programy\GNURadio\bin>gnuradio-config-info --version

> Then:

> You seem to have found a bug in our build system, of which I'm pretty

> sure I didn't address :( So, even if my code inhibts that crash (which

> would be lucky, because I don't know whether "checking if that directory

> exists before accessing it", which is what my code does, checks for the

> path being sensible at all or the Z: drive being available etc), this is

> still a bug that I'll have to address.

> So: yes, your installation is broken. Sorry. I don't know whether any

> hacks will fix it –  I don't have a windows system to test right now.

> But for the heck of it, you could try "faking" a drive Z: … However one

> does that. Maybe by adding a mounted network share? Then at least the

> program would just not find the directory, but not fail due to the drive

> not being there. Windows is *weird*, to me.

Still strange, but thanks to the info above: Resolved :)

The problem was my Z: drive. I have Virtual DVD Drive under Z:, so

it is not writable. I've changed the drive letter and GNU Radio

started properly. Preferences are written in my home directory.

The behavior is strange, but GNU Radio works :)

I've tried first the subst command, but it was no necessary.


After running I've found 2 new problems:

1) Something about xterm, probably not important:

"The xterm executable 'xterm' is missing.

You can change this setting in your gnuradio.conf, in section [grc],


(This message is shown only once)"

2) Also not important but very annoing:

08:36:42: can't open file 'D:\Programy\GNURadio\share\icons\hicolor8x48/apps\gnuradio-grc.png' (error 0: operacja ukończona pomyślnie.)

08:36:42: Failed to load image from file "D:\Programy\GNURadio\share\icons\hicolor8x48/apps\gnuradio-grc.png".

The path for the icon gnuradio-grc.png includes control sequence "\4"

and as a result it is inncorrect.

I've corrected the error above by changing in file:


line 90 from:

        _icon_path = "$icon.get_filename()"


        _icon_path = r"$icon.get_filename()"

The raw string does not use special control sequences with backslash.

> Best regards,

> Marcus


Best Regards,

 Marcin Kucharczyk

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