
this is not directly related to the gnuradio software but to the
gnuradio.org homepage:

gnuradio.org uses CloudFlare (CF) for some reason, and thus, users of
Tor have to solve (Google) captchas (possibly indefinitely) -- otherwise
they're simply blocked from reading the page, see [0].

Please consider (a) using another "level of security" in the CF
settings, or (b) replacing CF with an alternative that does not block
Tor users, or (c) disable CF entirely. (or (d) find another option I did
not mention)

Also note that -- according to the GNU Maintainer Guide [1] -- a GNU
package (incl. GNU Radio) "should not recommend use of any non-free
program" and it should "[not] host discussions [...] in a service that
requires nonfree software".  In this case, however, the users have to
run non-free JavaScript (CF, Google) and this might be seen as an
endorsement of (non-free) CF.

There may be technical reasons and/or historic decisions that lead to
the use CF, but please try to find a more ethically acceptable and less
invasive alternative for the (mid- to long-term) future.

Thank you for realising GNU Radio!

-- panic

[0] https://blog.torproject.org/blog/trouble-cloudflare

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