I don't think this is an accident; when we run the tests on our CIs, we
want both the regular output and the XML output. You're right that this
behaviour can be annoying, however, I found if this is giving me
trouble, it's usually because my test is stateful. Maybe you can come up
with a way to actually run this test twice in a row.

Having unit tests that require hardware is unusual, in any case. Now of
course you can write whatever tests you like, but this kind of unit test
will make it difficult for others to replicate (and to integrate into a
CI system, which I find a useful benchmark for the utility of unit tests).

That said, we should probably come up with a way to disable the
xmlrunner (maybe make it a pref), since most people won't care about it.


On 06/15/2016 03:44 PM, Dave NotTelling wrote:
> I noticed that my Python unit tests were running twice.  Using PyCharm's
> debugger I was able to figure out that the culprit is the following
> snippet from gr_unittest.py:
> # use the xmlrunner if we can write the the directory
> if(xmlrunner is not None):
>     xmlrunner.run(suite)
> main()
> xmlrunner.run(suite) runs my tests, when that finishes (failure or not)
> main() gets called which runs the tests again.  This plays hell with my
> tests that talk to radio hardware as the radio hardware is never
> released.  Should there be an 'else' clause that calls main()?
> Thanks!
> -Dave 
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