Hi list,

Please find the condensed updates from past four weeks at [1] (as always,
the same blog). I am still working on creating the gui for pybombs
deliverable and I am really looking forward to finish it soon and move
forward. One thing I am currently stuck at is tackling the the elevated
privileges issue from the GUI. I am considering to use polkit as a solution
to deal with this issue. Any help in this direction is appreciated.

Coming to the GUI and progress:
- The recipe repos (private/prefix specific and global recipe repos) are
handled by a recipe manager dialog.
- The prefixes are handled using a prefix config and prefix chooser dialog.
- A "New Recipe" dialog to create a recipe from within pybombs gui.
- Handle application, baseline and sdk (if any) packages separately.
- A search functionality that highlights the row corresponding to the

A few screenshots are uploaded at [3] to show a glimpse of what I am
working on. Finally, the repo is hosted at gitlab [2]. The code is still
experimental and depending on the platform, there can be encoding issues.

Ravi Sharan

[1] - http://ninjacomics.github.io/radioblogr/index.html
[2] - https://gitlab.com/NinjaComics/pybombs-qtgui
[3] - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0By6XhrfIWygqUVpJVjlsVS05Q28
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