Hi Jacqueline,

On 02/09/2017 05:07 PM, Jacqueline.Walker wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> According to the build/install_manifest.txt it installs to:
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
> And various other /usr/local/ paths as appropriate e.g.
> /usr/local/include/  /usr/local/share/
> Does that make sense?
Yep! Thanks!
> I followed the instructions – exactly – to use gr_modtool to create a
> module, then add a block… I make a build directory and use the cmake,
> then make then sudo make install commands as per instructions…
> When I had not updated the pythonpath to include the install location
> I got the import error. After that was fixed I get the attribute error
> of this kind:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "square_floats.py", line 159, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "square_floats.py", line 147, in main
>     tb = top_block_cls()
>   File "square_floats.py", line 113, in __init
>     self.howto_square2_ff_0 = howto.square2_ff()
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute ‘square_ff’
> which is only fixed by the aforementioned kludge.
> Investigating this showed that it is going to the installed module in
> the pythonpath – it’s only when I successfully alter that that it works!!
I think the problem is that python looks into /usr/lib/python2.7/...,
but not into /usr/*local*/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ ; maybe you'd
want to add that to the pythonpath?

You can alternatively use "cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .." to
explicitly install into /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages, but that is
probably against all rules of Arch.

Best regards,

> If said file only has for example:
> from howto_swig import *
> then it will not work but will throw the attribute error.
> Regards
> Jacqueline
> *From:*Marcus Müller [mailto:marcus.muel...@ettus.com]
> *Sent:* 09 February 2017 15:51
> *To:* Jacqueline.Walker; discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
> *Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gr-Inspector Install error
> Hi Jacqueline,
> hm, I see! But where *did* you then install your gr-tutorial to, then
> (if in doubt, look into build/install_manifest.txt)? Point is that the
> *installation target* should be part of your python path, not the
> source (/python) nor the build (/build) directories.
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 02/09/2017 04:48 PM, Jacqueline.Walker wrote:
>     Hi  Marcus,
>     I know it’s a kludge but I’ve been working on this steadily when I
>     can to try and work out why it hasn’t been working despite
>     following all directions in the tutorials, and so far this is the
>     only way to get it to work.
>     It’s how I got the python and C++ blocks in the Guided Tutorials
>     to work and then I tried again with the square_ff() OOT modules
>     tutorial thinking it must have been something I did wrong. I fixed
>     a few other issues I had via that route (I had ‘orphan’ modules in
>     the GRC) but I still had these runtime errors when I tried to run
>     the ‘howto’ blocks.
>     I didn’t use pybombs to install – I haven’t touched pybombs. As
>     I’m on Arch, I installed everything from the Archlinux packages
>     using pacman.
>     Since I’ve been going through this second sequence of tutorials
>     I’ve had no problems and no error messages with make and make
>     install! So there’s no hint it’s not going to work until runtime.
>     I did get an ImportError initially but I fixed that by setting the
>     PYTHONPATH properly.
>     Regards
>     Jacqueline
>     *From:*Discuss-gnuradio
>     [mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jacqueline.walker=ul...@gnu.org]
>     *On Behalf Of *Marcus Müller
>     *Sent:* 09 February 2017 15:38
>     *To:* discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org <mailto:discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org>
>     *Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gr-Inspector Install error
>     Hi Jacqueline,
>     that is not a fix I'd recommend – if this is really just all it
>     takes to get your module running, than plainly, something has gone
>     wrong with installing the gr-tutorial module. Did "make install"
>     work well? Where did things get installed to? Is that installation
>     target right inside your pybombs prefix?
>     Best regards,
>     Marcus
>     On 02/09/2017 04:27 PM, Jacqueline.Walker wrote:
>         Hi Tellrell and others,
>         I have been having similar problems while going through the
>         various tutorials and have come up with some workarounds (with
>         help from a python expert – my 21 year old son) and am now
>         getting to the bottom of it.
>         I have fixed it by adding the following lines to the
>         -_init__.py file and then re-doing the make and make install
>         steps so that it gets compiled into the site-packages
>         directories in the PYTHONPATH.
>         import sys
>         sys.path.append("/your-home-path/gr-tutorial/python/")
>         sys.path.append("/your-home-path/gr-tutorial/build/")
>         sys.path.append("/your-home-path/gr-tutorial/build/swig/")
>         I suppose I could add these paths to the sys path and that
>         would fix the problem once and for all.
>         Regards
>         Jacqueline
>         *From:*Discuss-gnuradio
>         [mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jacqueline.walker=ul...@gnu.org]
>         *On Behalf Of *Ben Hilburn
>         *Sent:* 09 February 2017 15:14
>         *To:* Tellrell White
>         *Cc:* GNURadio Discussion List
>         *Subject:* Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Gr-Inspector Install error
>         Hi Tellrell -
>         It looks like your `gr-inspector` OOT module isn't getting
>         found by GNU Radio. How did you install it? Are you using
>         PyBOMBS? Are you sure you installed it into the same directory
>         as GNU Radio?
>         Cheers,
>         Ben
>         On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 3:51 PM, Tellrell White
>         <t_whit...@yahoo.com <mailto:t_whit...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>         I'm running the live_signal_detection. I replaced the
>         rtlsdr_source block with a signal source block. When I run the
>         flowgraph I get
>                 "attributerror: Module object has no attribute
>         'signal_detector_cvf"
>         I tried deleting and reinstalling all the dependencies before
>         installing gr-inspector but I'm getting the same result.
>         Regards
>         Tellrell White
>         On Tuesday, February 7, 2017 7:53 AM, Christopher Richardson
>         <chrisrichardso...@gmail.com
>         <mailto:chrisrichardso...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>         Hi Tellrell,
>         Which flow graph are you running?
>         Cheers
>         Chris
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