On 07/07/2017 09:50 AM, HLL wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm relatively new to DSP and gnuradio but I tried tons of stuff and I
> couldn't decode a fairly simple FSK data.
> baudrate seems around 600-700 bps and fsk deviation is less then 3k.

Take a look at

  inspectrum - Offline radio signal analyser


> As I understand, in order to properly decode this transmission i need
> for frequency to be oscillating around the center freq (i.e. 0) so that
> "Quadrature demod" block output would look nice and pretty much
> symmetrical (-1 1 edges).
> Note: I Know sometimes I can get away with signal that is not properly
> aligned, but I even tried my own python script to search zero crossing,
> CFO makes it impossible to detect zero crossing in timely manner.
> I've recorded around 6 samples of the signal, in all of them the signal
> starts off ok, and then later on, sometimes, the carrier drifts, up to
> the point where it (quadrature demod) even does not cross zero (see pic)
> and sometimes, the jitter (CFO?) is even worse then that.
> I Understood that I needed to compensate for the carrier drift using a
> PLL that would keep the carrier frequancy centered, for this I have
> these next tools to my disposal :
> 1. PLL Ref out - Outputs a sinusoidal whose phase and freq are "/what
> the PLL think is the carrier freq/"
> 2. PLL Freq det -  PLL Ref out + quadrature demod, I.E. the center
> frequency value.
> 3. PLL Carrier tracking -  input signal shifted by "PLL Freq det" hz. -
> I.E. Compensates for the CFO and centers the signal.
> I Guess that the min max are the absolute limits of the carrier freq, so
> this is a symmetrical value around 0. The loop bandwidth controls the
> relation between what is considered a CFO and an actual FSK data.
> The higher the BW, the faster the loop adapts to the new frequency and
> centers it, rendering the current freq to 0. hence, if it's an actual
> FSK data, and the loop considers it as noise, it would be zero out.
> The lower BW, the slower the loop adapts to new frequency and loop will
> not compensate for the frequency jitter, and when passed on to
> quadrature demod, outputs a erroneous signal that either falsely cross
> zero or doesn't cross at all or at wrong timings. as I mentioned, some
> of the CFO Jitter starts off very fast and then revert to normal slowly
> (see that pic again)
> I Tried tons of different configuration, and I couldn't get the carrier
> frequency in the center of the quadrature demodulation block's output
> (before compensation).
> In visual analysis, it takes a fraction of a seconds to deduce the highs
> and lows, how can one automate this? I have no clue where to begin.
> Example of what jitter i'm talking about, a specific configuration PLL
> freq det is in red, while quad demod (gain 1) is in blue
> ​
> And this is the graph that used to take the screenshots
> I Did tried, of course multiple configurations for the PLL. 
> ​
> Question time:
> 1. Am I doing something wrong? how can I extract the data that is
> obviously there and get the bits? sure there can be occasional noise but
> I tried multiple times to get a very clean capture and I wasn't able to, 
> 2. Can the transition width (I.E. the `speed` of transition between high
> to low), the difference between high and low (FSK deviation) or other
> information could be Incorporated to enhance demodulation [both of which
> seems pretty much constant throughout transmission] ? How?
> 3. This is probably asked in the past, and I looked it up and wasn't
> able to come to a conclusion, How can I decode manchester in gnuradio?
> The source, 8khz sample rate, 32 bit float I/Q captured,roughly centered
> is attached to this mail
> Some extra information:
> -I Only have access to trigger communication of the device.
> -All captures taken from very close proximity (~10 cm) the device is
> intended to work over hundreds of meters outdoors
> -I Have access to FCC docs, but since I don't live in the US, *I'm not
> sure what actual* "primary" *freq* of the device is.

Try looking up the FCC Id at


Would you post the FCC Id? If I have the FCC id I may play with it when
while I'm commuting.

 I might be picking
> up some sideband noise (if that's the proper definition, you know, when
> a signal also mirrors itself with decreasing attenuations across some
> wide band). The vendor is also able to configure the device freq, to
> some extent..
> -Data looks like manchester encoding since there are no long lows or
> highs. also it starts off with a sync of high freq low freq "long"
> repeating, which under Manchester is 010101... 
> Thanks for the help
> HLL.
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