Hi, I'm having a problem connecting an ni-usrp 2922 device to my laptop on
Windows 8 64-bit version. I'm running the  v3.7.12/v1.4
of gnuradio. I tried to ping the ip-address of the usrp and it's
responding. but when using a UHD: USRP sink/source and run the code i get
this error message

RuntimeError: LookupError: KeyError: No devices found for ----->

i made sure i turned off the firewall, using a unique static ip-address for
my pc and i burned the suitable fw and fpga's images yet GRC can't see my
device. Device appears in the Ni-USRP configuration utility's image updater
tab to be running ni292x_fpg. bin and ni292x_f. bin from this path
"C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-USRP\images" as default

I made sure i have a unique static-ip for the pc and turned off the
firewall as well.

i installed the latest UHD and images from these links respectively



but i don't see the n292x family so i can't decide what are the
relevantimages to write
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