
Thank you for your reply.

> On Jun 23, 2018, at 4:00 AM, Müller, Marcus (CEL) <> wrote:
> Can you share the full console output of your flow graph?

Here is the flow graph console output:

jim@vmware:~/gnuradio/prefix/perform$ gnuradio-companion
<<< Welcome to GNU Radio Companion >>>

Block paths:

Loading: "/home/jim/gnuradio/perfmon.grc"
>>> Done

Generating: '/home/jim/gnuradio/'

Generating: '/home/jim/gnuradio/'

Executing: /usr/bin/python2 -u /home/jim/gnuradio/

ControlPort Monitor running.
gr::log :INFO: controlport - Apache Thrift: -h vmware -p 40161
monitor::endpoints() = -h vmware -p 40161
running: ['gr-perf-monitorx', 'vmware', '40161']

> Also note that the most "fragile" dependency of GNU Radio right now is
> Thrift, if you can check whether your CMake output says that Thrift was
> used, it would be helpful. Thrift is the RPC middleware that ctrlport
> uses to expose itself to programs like the performance monitor.

Here is an excerpt from the PyBOMBS output:

PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installing package: apache-thrift
Install tree:
\- gnuradio
   +- uhd
   \- apache-thrift

Here is the output from gnuradio-config-info --enabled-components:

jim@vmware:~/gnuradio/prefix/perfmon/bin$ gnuradio-config-info 

Thanks for your help,


> On Fri, 2018-06-22 at 13:49 -0700, Jim Larsen wrote:
>> I want to use the CtrlPort Performance Monitor block to compare CPU
>> usage of several demodulator alternatives. I built GNU Radio version
>> 3.7.12 using PyBOMBS on Ubuntu 18.04. I added -
>> DENABLE_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS=ON to the gnuradio.lwr recipe. I
>> installed  networkx, matplotlib, and python-pygraphviz. I
>> edited gnuradio-runtime.conf as follows:
>> [ControlPort] on = True
>> [ControlPort] edges_list = True
>> [PerfCounters] on = True
>> [PerfCounters] export = True
>> I ran a simple flowgraph Signal Source > Throttle > Null Sink with
>> the CtrlPort Performance Monitor block. The Performance Monitor
>> window opens, but the graph is empty. Please let me know how to make
>> CtrlPort Performance Monitor work.
>> Thanks!
>> Jim
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