Hi Jim,
that's good news so far :)

So, each time you run your flow graph, the following line should

 monitor::endpoints() = -h vmware -p 40161

at least in the port number at the end.

Now, remove the ctrlport monitor from your flowgraph (disable it);
start your flow graph and let it run. You should still see such a line
being printed!

In a separate terminal, start

gr-ctrlport-monitor vmware 40161

(replacing 40161 with the port number from the output of the flow

My guess is that it says "could not connect to endpoint..."; and that
might just be a network issue. I found that on my machine, thrift only
listens on IPv6, and if that's strangely set up (which it sometimes is
especially with VMs), things might go astray. 
You can check where (on which port) your flowgraph is listening for
connections by doing something like

netstat -lpn | grep 40161

Hope that helps us get forward,
Best regards,
On Sat, 2018-06-23 at 16:50 -0700, Jim Larsen wrote:
> Marcus,
> Thank you for your reply.
> > On Jun 23, 2018, at 4:00 AM, Müller, Marcus (CEL) <muel...@kit.edu>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Can you share the full console output of your flow graph?
> Here is the flow graph console output:
> jim@vmware:~/gnuradio/prefix/perform$ gnuradio-companion
> <<< Welcome to GNU Radio Companion >>>
> Block paths:
>       /home/jim/gnuradio/prefix/perform/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks
> Loading: "/home/jim/gnuradio/perfmon.grc"
> > > > Done
> Generating: '/home/jim/gnuradio/top_block.py'
> Generating: '/home/jim/gnuradio/top_block.py'
> Executing: /usr/bin/python2 -u /home/jim/gnuradio/top_block.py
> ControlPort Monitor running.
> gr::log :INFO: controlport - Apache Thrift: -h vmware -p 40161
> monitor::endpoints() = -h vmware -p 40161
> running: ['gr-perf-monitorx', 'vmware', '40161']
> > Also note that the most "fragile" dependency of GNU Radio right now
> > is
> > Thrift, if you can check whether your CMake output says that Thrift
> > was
> > used, it would be helpful. Thrift is the RPC middleware that
> > ctrlport
> > uses to expose itself to programs like the performance monitor.
> Here is an excerpt from the PyBOMBS output:
> PyBOMBS.install_manager - INFO - Installing package: apache-
> thrift
> Install tree:
> > 
> \- gnuradio
>    |
>    +- uhd
>    |
>    \- apache-thrift
> Here is the output from gnuradio-config-info --enabled-components:
> jim@vmware:~/gnuradio/prefix/perfmon/bin$ gnuradio-config-info --
> enabled-components
> python-support;testing-support;volk;gnuradio-runtime;gr-ctrlport;*
> thrift;gr-blocks;gnuradio-companion;gr-fec;gr-fft;gr-filter;gr-
> analog;gr-digital;gr-dtv;gr-atsc;gr-audio;* alsa;* oss;gr-
> channels;gr-noaa;gr-pager;gr-qtgui;gr-trellis;gr-uhd;gr-utils;gr-
> vocoder;gr-fcd;gr-wavelet;gr-wxgui;gr-zeromq
> Thanks for your help,
> Jim
> > On Fri, 2018-06-22 at 13:49 -0700, Jim Larsen wrote:
> > > I want to use the CtrlPort Performance Monitor block to compare
> > > CPU
> > > usage of several demodulator alternatives. I built GNU Radio
> > > version
> > > 3.7.12 using PyBOMBS on Ubuntu 18.04. I added -
> > > DENABLE_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS=ON to the gnuradio.lwr recipe. I
> > > installed  networkx, matplotlib, and python-pygraphviz. I
> > > edited gnuradio-runtime.conf as follows:
> > > 
> > > [ControlPort] on = True
> > > [ControlPort] edges_list = True
> > > [PerfCounters] on = True
> > > [PerfCounters] export = True
> > > 
> > > I ran a simple flowgraph Signal Source > Throttle > Null Sink
> > > with
> > > the CtrlPort Performance Monitor block. The Performance Monitor
> > > window opens, but the graph is empty. Please let me know how to
> > > make
> > > CtrlPort Performance Monitor work.
> > > 
> > > Thanks!
> > > 
> > > Jim
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> > > Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
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