Thats true, thanks. meanwhile the UDP problem is solved. I had to run the
command as root :D not sudo.

On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 at 20:07, Michael Dickens <>

> I guess for your need so long as it works that's what matters, yes?
> We'll work on fixing the issue you found anyway ... seems like it's legit
> & undesirable LOL.
> Good luck with your demo! - MLD
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2019, at 2:01 PM, sumit kumar wrote:
> Well it worked after compiling old checkouts (but not giving me the usual
> satisfaction of a fresh install... but anyways)
> On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 at 19:45, sumit kumar <> wrote:
> Its overwhelming :D, I have a demo on Monday and I was 100% assured
> gr-ieee-80211 will work as usual.
> Before I saw your mail, I already checked out GR to 3.7.12, UHD to 003 009
> 006 and compiling now.
> Yes I used pybombs for installation.
> I have a USB with gnuradio installed into it. It works good and it has GR
> 3.7.11, uhd 003 009 006 and gr-ieee-80211 version I dint check.

Sumit Kumar
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