My recollection is that full_scale applies only for sc8 samples. 

Gnuradio already scales into {-1.0,+1.0}

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 3, 2019, at 6:47 AM, Wheberth Damascena Dias <> 
> wrote:
> Hi all, not sure if I should send this here or at USRP list.
> I am trying to set the "fullscale" as a stream parameter of the USRP Sink 
> block, but it have no effect. The idea is to avoid the use aof one block to 
> scale the samples to [-1.0, +1.0] range May I be missing something?
> For reference I am using GnuRadio 3.7.11 with libuhd 3.10.3 (All stock from 
> Ubuntu 18.04).
> Thank you very 
> <image.png>
> -- 
> Wheberth Damascena Dias
> _______________ _____ _____ __ ___ __ _ _ _  _ 

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