On 12/03/2019 01:24 PM, Müller, Marcus (CEL) wrote:
I'd recommend not overestimating the workload of scaling outside of UHD
– UHD still has to do that multiplication! So, scaling e.g. your
constellation or your pulse-shaping filter would make at least as much
Indeed, if your flow-graph is within a single multiply block of running out of CPU headroom, you need to reevaluate what
  you're doing.

On Tue, 2019-12-03 at 14:11 -0300, Wheberth Damascena Dias wrote:
Hi Marcus, I

I am planning to give a try to the GnuRadio 3.8 PPA. We are developing some OOT 
blocks and some rework may be needed to do so.

I will take a look at the code, but I am inclined to change my application to 
eliminate the need of scaling in real time (scalling the QAM symbols for 

Regarding the USRP I am using a pair of X310.

Thank you very much.

Em ter, 3 de dez de 2019 13:26, Müller, Marcus (CEL) <muel...@kit.edu> escreveu:
Uhhhh that's an ancient version of GNU Radio. Do you use any other UHD-
linking software, or can you try our new PPA that would give you a
modern GNU Radio


Anyway, for most USRPs "fullscale" actually should do some scaling (if
you're so inclined, look for "_host_extra_scaling" in the UHD source

What is the USRP you're using?

Best regards,

On Tue, 2019-12-03 at 08:41 -0300, Wheberth Damascena Dias wrote:
Hi all, not sure if I should send this here or at USRP list.

I am trying to set the "fullscale" as a stream parameter of the USRP Sink 
block, but it have no effect. The idea is to avoid the use aof one block to scale the 
samples to [-1.0, +1.0] range May I be missing something?

For reference I am using GnuRadio 3.7.11 with libuhd 3.10.3 (All stock from 
Ubuntu 18.04).
Thank you very

Wheberth Damascena Dias
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