Hi Johannes,

> I really hoped I could install AMD OpenCL on top of the open driver.
> How do you do that? I guess, if I install the correct OpenCL + amdgpu 
> version, this should actually work.

Yeah, that's what I did ... I use the AMD binary OpenCL stuff, but I
continued using the amdgpu driver.

> It works and look fine. This is part of the output.

Oh, so that's interesting. That means the issue is somewhere in the
way the OpenGL context is setup by Qt, that's really strange.
Can you try the GLFW version of the fosphor GR block ?

> If I do `./main` without an argument, a window is opened and unresponsive.

Yeah, that's expected, it's reading  sample data from stdin in that mode.



PS: I re-cc'd the mailing list since taking it off seemed like an error ...

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