Hello Barry, hi everyone,

I just wanted to say I was very impressed with all the activity in the
breakout session, and how productive everything was.

I'd find it super interesting if aside from the social benefit of
ragchewing (no matter whether that happens on a video conference, via
pure voice comms, or in a text chat), people had would also take the
chance to give a short "impulse" presentation on what they think would
be interesting for the rest; for example, I think Barry's digital
modulations tutorials would be extremely interesting for a lot of people.

But also, a bit on stuff like (brainstorming here) "how to make use of
the new digital predistortion module to get the most out of my system",
"I've invented a digital mode, and you'll never guess what happened
next", "how it took me a month to figure out why I wasn't seeing any
satellites and why I hate storks", "SDR in club education settings", ….

Nothing that takes 2 hours, but something to get discussion off the
ground, and then if discussion shows people like where things are going,
go deeper into it.


On 21.09.20 02:55, Barry Duggan wrote:
> As a result of the CRGon20 Breakout session on Ham Radio, there seems to
> be a lot of enthusiasm for the formation of a monthly group meeting for
> those interested in using GNU Radio in amateur applications. We would
> like to get some feedback on the format, the media, and the frequency of
> proposed meetings. Please respond to this thread.
> Look for further announcements here and on the GNU Radio home page
> https://www.gnuradio.org/
> Thanks and 73,
> Barry Duggan KV4FV
> https://github.com/duggabe

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