Hi  Kristoff,

I undestand your point, but it is function of the developer to turn as easy
as possible the use of a technology. In this way, I like to contribute by
giving high level short courses to amateur-radios. I think that depending
on the interest of the audience, we can provide e view that the user can
know what is the block and the parameters, like a Black box,


Em sex, 25 de set de 2020 20:03, Kristoff <krist...@skypro.be> escreveu:

> Hi Barry,
> Concerning the discuss-gnuradio list, the thing is simply that I try to
> stay as much on-topic as I can.
> Otherwise, It's a bit like asking help on to write a novel in a
> mailing-list on LibreOffice-write. :-)
> For me, a mailing-list and a chatroom are complimentary: one is more
> real-time, the other gives more time to write out and explain issues.
> For GNU Radio and radio-amateurs, I think there are several questions to
> ask:
> - what is the audience? Only radio-amateurs, or everybody that is
> interested in signals?
> (i.e. do you also want to use SDR as a tool to promote amateur-radio?)
> - Are you targetting people using SDR (i.e. setting up a SDR-based
> system for a particular application, e.g. a raspberry-pi + RTL-dongle to
> receive weather satellites), or at you looking at people who want to
> develop  SDR applications? (e.g. a GNU Radio flowgraph to decode/encode
> a particular type of signal) ?
> - Do the people understand that SDR is fundamentally SDR and
> signal-processing applied to radio-signals?
> This means that, to understand SDR (which in GNU Radio translates into
> "what blocks do I need to use for this function?' and "what values do I
> need to fill in in that block?"), you do need to have basic
> understanding of SDR and signal-processing, which usually requires some
> math.
> - And, -as a consequence- what is the level of knowledge of the people
> you are targetting?
> I am trying to organise a small GNU Radio workshop for our SDR group. (5
> sessions or so), and I am  struggling on how to do this.
> The core issue is to make sure that people gave the correct expectation
> about SDR development is and requires.
> GNU Radio is a tool, and sometimes ...  a tool that is actually too
> good. Somebody who sees GRC for the first time might think  .. "ah ..
> that is easy. It is just putting blocks that represent parts of a
> receiver behind each other, and that is it. It just a question of
> learning what block does what".
> That is not true. This may work for certain simple things (like a FSK
> demodulator), but it quickly become much harder and requires a lot more
> background knowledge then expected.
> I usually compare it to the arduino environment.
> The arduino is designed in an art university to let art students create
> (e.g.) interactive art, without much knowledge of embedded computing.
> And, for the arduino, if it works, it works great! It's simple:
> First project: add a sensor to an arduino, load a library, ... and it
> works.
> Second project: add a radio-module to an arduino .. load the library ..
> and it works! Great!
> But then,... they combine both the sensor and the radio-module in one
> project,  and ... it does not work anymore.
> Why? "No idea? Both libraries work .. so no idea what is the problem!"
> The problem might be (e.g.) that both the radio-module and the sensor
> use the same hardware interrupt, or same SPI bus, ... or whatever. But
> if the user does not know what a hardware-interrupt is (as all the
> complexity of the embedded device has been hidden in the library), that
> he/she is stuck!
> I have the impression the same applies to GNU Radio.
> If it works, it works great.
> But, if it does not (e.g. because some parameter of a block is not
> correct).. well, if you do not have the background knowledge of what all
> these blocks do (e.g. you have some background on DSP,
> signal-processing, parameters of PLL loops, ....), then you are stuck.
> (especially as some parameters of certain functions are not just
> numbers, but actually python functions by themself!)
> This is something that I have noticed with quite a few hams: they
> replicate a flowgraph as found on the internet and that works great.
> But  -unless it is a relative simple graph-, once they try building a
> project by themself, they hit a brick wall pretty soon.
> So, I am still puzzled how to organise this workshop.
> In a uni, it is pretty simple: first they will your head with a lot of
> theory (based on a lot of math), and then use tools like mathlab and GR
> to apply that theory.
> That is a model that is complete useless in the amateur-radio community.
> :-)
> So I am looking for an alternative. I think I might need something like
> this:
> - a series of (say) 5 or 6 workshops
> - for every workshop:
> -> first ask people to read some articles or watch some videos to get
> some background knowledge (max 1 or 2 hours)
> -> then do the workshop
> -> let the workshop be a combination of practical skills and some theory
> - Afterwards, design a small CTF,  based on the things learned at the
> workshop, to provide an extra incentive to who wants to learn more
> - In addition, I also want to add a few 'hands-on' elements, .. as hams
> do like to build things themselves! One possible project is a simple SDR
> receiver with tayloe detector.
> For the actual content of the workshops, I am still looking for somebody
> who has good knowledge of SDR, DSP, GR .. and teaching (if possible
> teaching to radio amateurs) to help me with that.
> I really like GNU Radio and I think it by far the best tool to get
> people to learn about signals, .. but it is important that people do it
> step by step and do not understand that they will be able to decode some
> random PSK-signal  by just connecting some blocks together in GRC!
> If you plan to start the new mailing-list, please let me know as I am
> really interested!
> 73
> kristoff - ON1ARF
> On 24/09/2020 22:53, Barry Duggan wrote:
> > Hi kristoff,
> >
> > Thank you for your thoughts. I am curious about your saying that "I
> > have been hesitant to post here in the GR list as it's more about
> > signal-process then about GNU Radio." Have you tried and not gotten
> > good responses, or have you just assumed it was not the appropriate
> > place? I hope we have not discouraged people from asking valid
> > questions here.
> >
> > As an alternate to creating another mailing list, we have a Ham Radio
> > chat room which grew out of a GRCon20 Breakout session. It can be
> > accessed by Matrix using the Element (previously Riot) desktop or
> > phone app.
> >
> > server: gnuradio.matrix.ungleich.cloud
> > room: #HamRadio:gnuradio.org
> >
> > you also can join the #gnuradio:gnuradio.org room for the more
> > specific GR questions.
> >
> > I will soon be posting a news item here and on the gnuradio.org home
> > page about our first video meeting.
> >
> > 73,
> > ---
> > Barry Duggan KV4FV
> > https://github.com/duggabe
> >
> > On Tue, 22 Sep 2020 22:24:49 +0200, kristoff wrote:
> >
> > Hi Barry,
> >
> > Concerning the separate GR-ham mailing-list, I don't know if it really
> > needs to be a "GR ham-radio" list,  but what I think would be useful
> > is a separate mailing-list to discuss signal-processing (that happen
> > to use GNU Radio), separate of the 'discuss-gnuradio' list that is
> > more related to questions on GNU Radio itself.
> >
> > I am also still learning SDR, and I have a number of question on how
> > to decode signals (e.g. "I want to decode RTTY with 1.5 stop-bits,
> > what's the best way to handle that half a bit at the end without
> > impacting the clock-recovery block?") here I have been hesitant to
> > post here in the GR list as it's more about signal-process then about
> > GNU Radio. When talking to fellow hams who tried GNU Radio, a lot of
> > them have the same problem: how to create a working flowgraph? What
> > blocks to use? What do all the parameters of that block really do and
> > what do I value should I put in there?
> >
> > So, yes, a separate list would be nice. .. but I don't know if a "GR
> > Ham Radio"  is  the best combination.
> >
> > - Why only Ham radio?
> >
> > SDR and GNU Radio seams to me one of the best tools to promotion
> > amateur-radio, especially if you target people from the open-source /
> > hackerspace / maker scene. Focussing to much on amateur-radio will -I
> > think- might mean you lose this opportunity.
> >
> > - For the amateur-radio community, focussing to much on GNU Radio
> > might not be ideal neither. For me, the main topic here is SDR,
> > signal-processing, DSP and data-communication, ... GNU Radio is only
> > part (be it, a very big and important part) of that. Most hams start
> > out with a simple RTL-SDR dongle and just *use* it for some project:
> > APRS receiver, beacon receiver, to track HABs to listen to
> > weather-satellites, listen to QO100, ... It's usually only in a later
> > stage that they move to GNU Radio, when they are comfortable with
> > using SDR and are interesting going the next step: learn how SDR works
> > internally and develop SDR applications themselves.
> >
> > 73
> > kristoff - ON1ARF
> >

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