
I have upgraded my Raspberry Pi to Bullseye. When I attempted to upgrade to 
Bookworm I got a message that the repository does not have a Release  file. 
Thus, I cannot upgrade. Bullseye gives me gnuradio 3.8.2.

I went on the Raspberry Pi forum for suggestions about what to do in order to 
be able to upgrade to gnuradio 3.9 without Bookworm and received 2 suggestions 
to build 3.9 from source.

In your reply to my original post you said “If upgrading from Debian 11 to 
Bookworm (which will be 12) is not an option (FOR A REASON, honestly, upgrading 
debian is rather smooth), do not go the manual route of building GNU Radio from 
source using cmake/make/ a lot of time figuring things out, but simply use our 
or the official debian packaging tools to automate that building for you.”

What tools do I use to automate the building?


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