On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 11:40:26AM +0100, Johannes Demel wrote:

> In the past, we relied on Boost for several tasks in `volk_profile`. For
> years, we minimized Boost usage to `boost::filesystem`. We mostly switched
> to C++17 `std::filesystem` years ago. The last distribution in our CI system
> that required Boost to build VOLK, was Ubuntu 14.04. Thus, now is the time
> to remove the Boost dependency completely and rely on C++17 features.

I am not (yet) a user of VOLK, but interested. One thing that usually
puts me off when considering to use a library is excessive dependencies.

This may be a very naive question but I hope you can provide an answer.

Why does a library that provides numerical procedures using vector
instructions require anything from boost or C++17 ?  Or even file
operations at all ?

Even if this is just a build time dependency it seems odd... 



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