Cursory glance at `git diff v2.5.0..v2.51 **/**.h` tells me you didn't change anything ABI-wise.


On 14.02.22 13:38, Johannes Demel wrote:
Hi all,

while I did not run the ABI compliance checker to compare 2.5.0 vs 2.5.1 specifically, it is simple and can be done with this tool:
So far, we were able to keep the ABI compatible across VOLK 2.x.
Also, we didn't change any function signatures of existing functions.

It might be a worthwhile undertaking to add an ABI compliance checker to our CI.

The VOLK library is written in C. Here, we rely on C11. Also, we require cpu_features because detecting such features across systems and architectures is terribly difficult.

Then, the questions are: Why Boost, why C++17 at all?
We use tools around our library. The volk_profile utility and our tests are written in C++. Here, we need to write the profile results to a file. In the past, we used `boost::filesystem` to achieve this. `boost::filesystem` basically became part of C++17 with `std::filesystem`. Thus, we use `std::filesystem` now.


On 13.02.22 12:08, Jeff Long wrote:
Fons - filesystem is used for the volk_profile utility.

Chris - do not assume ABI compatibility. A number of small things have changed in ".h" files.

On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 6:19 PM Chris Vine < <>> wrote:

    On Sat, 12 Feb 2022 11:40:26 +0100
    Johannes Demel <
    <>> wrote:
     > Hi everyone!
     > You can find the news at
    <> as well.
     > We have a new VOLK release! We are happy to announce VOLK v2.5.1! We
     > want to thank all contributors. This release wouldn't have been
     > without them.


    Is this ABI compatible with volk-2.5.0 (or put another way, if I
    upgrade from volk-2.5.0 will I need to recompile gnuradio)?


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