The problem is that the latency using a sound card is terrible, even using 
jackd. Using N210's sink ans source for audio purposes give very good latencies 
but it limites me to half-duplex.

This is for what I'm interested by using that ADC and DAC.

---- Marcus D. Leech a écrit ----

>On 2022-03-05 14:16, Fabien PELLET wrote:
>> Hi Marcus,
>> Thanks for the detailed answer. I already know get_rx_dboard_iface 
>> method as it is it that I use to access the IO of LFRX and LFTX.
>> The problem is that this is asynchrous. For my need, I would like to 
>> feed it synchronously at a defined sample rate for audio purpose for 
>> example.
>> Do you think if I write an OOT sink or source that use that method I 
>> can get create something near synchronous ?
>> Best regards,
>> Fabien, F4CTZ
>You'd have to look at the specs for the ADC/DAC.   Doing a synchronous 
>sampling *thing* would require that you create a stream using FPGA 
>logic.   Those
>   AUX_ADC and AUX_DAC are intended for low-speed, query-driven usage, 
>like reading the RSSI value from a RF chain, or driving an attenuator for
>   gain setting, rather than streaming.
>For audio rates, you're probably better off just using a sound 
>card--they are available with sample rates up to 192ksps these days.
>> ---- Marcus Müller a écrit ----
>> Just realized that there *is* a C++ API:
>> usrp_block->get_device()->get_rx_dboard_iface()->read_aux_adc();
>> replace _rx_ with _tx_ for the LFTX, and read_aux_adc with 
>> write_aux_dac for the DAC.
>> Best regards,
>> Marcus
>> DISCLAIMER: Any attached Code is provided As Is. It has not been 
>> tested or validated as a product, for use in a deployed application or 
>> system, or for use in hazardous environments. You assume all risks for 
>> use of the Code. Use of the Code is subject to terms of the licenses 
>> to the UHD or RFNoC code with which the Code is used. Standard 
>> licenses to UHD and RFNoC can be found at 
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>> U.S. Commerce Department before the transaction may proceed further.
>> On 05.03.22 13:31, Marcus Müller wrote:
>> > Hi Fabien,
>> >
>> > no need to modify the FPGA. The functionality is there – it's just 
>> not exposed to the
>> > user. Also, note that interacting with the auxiliary ADC and DAC is 
>> going to be
>> > asynchronous to the sample flow – there might be millions of samples 
>> from the main ADC
>> > that have flown by before an AUX_DAC setting takes effect!
>> >
>> > You also don't really need to modify UHD – you *can* use the UHD 
>> property tree (through
>> > uspr_block->get_device()->get_tree()->access() ), it's just not a 
>> proper, stable,
>> > well-tested, failure-checking API.
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> > Marcus
>> >
>> > On 04.03.22 15:01, Fabien PELLET wrote:
>> >> Yes, sorry indeed I was talking about AUX_DAC and AUX_ADC that are 
>> replicated from the
>> >> motherboard.
>> >>
>> >> I already use IO which works very well. So there is no way to send 
>> samples (or receive)
>> >> at a specific sample rate using that AUX_DAC or ADC. It is just 
>> some "analog IOs" for
>> >> reading some external sensors for example if I understand well what 
>> you wrote.
>> >>
>> >> What are the specifications of that AUX ?
>> >>
>> >> Using a specifique FPGA firmware and custom UHD library, would it 
>> be possible to
>> >> transform them as GR source or sink ?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks,
>> >>
>> >> Best regards,
>> >>
>> >> Fabien, F4CTZ.
>> >>
>> >> Le 04/03/2022 à 14:35, Marcus Müller a écrit :
>> >>> Sorry, hit "send" accidentally:
>> >>>
>> >>> Dear Fabien,
>> >>>
>> >>> there's no ADC on these daughterboards. Just an EEPROM for 
>> identification, opamps for
>> >>> amplification and signal conditioning, and on the LFTX a 
>> switch-mode power supply.
>> >>> You're right, they do exppose the AUX DACs and ADC lines from the 
>> motherboad.
>> >>>
>> >>> However, these are without further ado not accessible from UHD, 
>> and thus also not from
>> >>> GNU Radio. Some daughterboard drivers use them.
>> >>>
>> >>> I'm not sure UHD exposes them in all version, but `uhd_usrp_probe 
>> --tree` might show
>> >>> properties called "AUX_DAC_A" (or _B, or AUX_ADC_.., you get the 
>> idea). You can use
>> >>> get_device() on your USRP blocks and access theses properties from 
>> your GNU Radio
>> >>> program (from C++), but it's not really an API – more an exposing 
>> of intestines...
>> >>>
>> >>> Best regards,
>> >>> Marcus
>> >>>
>> >>> On 04.03.22 14:30, Marcus Müller wrote:
>> >>>> Dear Fabien,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> there's no ADC on these daughterboards. Just an EEPROM for 
>> identification, opamps for
>> >>>> amplification and signal conditioning, and on the LFTX a 
>> switch-mode power supply.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Best regards,
>> >>>> Marcus
>> >>>>
>> >>>> On 04.03.22 10:30, Fabien PELLET wrote:
>> >>>>> Hello,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> As there are IOs available on LFTX and LFRX, there are also ADC 
>> and DAC available.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Is there a way to use them as SOURCE and SINK in gnuradio for 
>> low speed conversion ?
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Thanks,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Best regards,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Fabien, F4CTZ.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>
>> >>

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