On 3/23/22 13:10, Taylor Clark wrote:
Good evening,
I have been doing some work with packet modulation and I ran across the OFDM_Loopback.grc file. I initially did some test with my ZMQ Server and the data rate was terrible. Thinking it was my datasource, I did some other test until I decided to use GNU Radios random Source block as an input. To my surprise, it was just as slow and I really can't figure out why. My CPU isnt terrible, is this GNURADIOS internal data processing at work or am I not understanding how it was meant to be used?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Taylor Clark

Okay, I'll bite.

Please post the GRC file you're currently running - not the one you downloaded -  the devil is in the details.

Please post the version of your the gnuradio and the OS - and model of the machine since you suspect it might be a problem.

-- Cinaed

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