On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 11:15:41AM +0000, Ivan Vučica wrote:
> The build currently breaks within gnustep-base. I have a patch from
> November for Source/Additions/GSObjCRuntime.m and Source/NSException.m, but
> it's hacky. Plus, I fear touching such low-level files. I'll eventually
> send this out for review, after I go once more through it, and after I
> rebase the patch on latest -base.

On recent distributions I had to remove the objc/ include folder
coming from gcc for gnustep-base to compile otherwise it correctly
found libobjc2 but used gcc's libobjc headers. I guess something could
be done on gnustep-base makefile but I didn't take the time to check.

What does your patch look like ?


ps : nice work on your build system
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